Increase total volume of intervals, reduce the recovery or increase the length of intervals, not push the pace. Vo2Max Pace: Measurement / reflection of Aerobic Power. This run proves beneficial for most athletes to raise aerobic system / endurance attributes. An athlete has a schedule that helps them to add in, and spread out, the different intensities each week - including weight room, strides, drills, and core work. And you can never lose your endurance, even during the specific period if you want to run your best performance. It is a basic aerobic development run that an athlete could do for days aerobically, if only the muscles could function that long and the glucose and fatty energy sources remained effective. 8x400m 90 sec rec. 1. 8x400m 90 sec rec. It can take about two years of consistent work to manage all of these disciplines - I encourage coaches and younger athletes to take the time to teach / learn while in high school. William Bowerman, The Bowerman System,(1983) Dr. Donald Chu, Plyometric Exercises (1989) Dr. Jack Daniels, (1998) William H. Freeman, Peak When it Counts (1989) Clyde Hart, 400Meters Training (Track and Field Quarterly Review, Spring 1993, p.23-28) Andy Higgins and Zoltan Tenke, Medicine Ball Training (1992) Videos Clyde Hart, Baylor"s Dynamic 400 Meter Training The total weekly mileage for the 400/800m runner is of less importance. Imagine your body has 5 gears (5 paces) running too much in only one gear(pace) will not be optimal and can lead to staleness and injuries. Save the energy for the hard track workouts. Your email address will not be published. Tuesday Track 8x200m (whatever you can hold) Wednesday 30 min easy run 20 min drills (high knees, butt kicks, frog leaps etc) Thursday 45 min easy run,6x100m strides Friday (600-400-200)2 times. If you have any questions or want individual coaching you can reach me on the mail address below. Lisa has had trouble with iron deficiency in recent years. By the way, the 10 x 400m workout was the workout Roger Bannister did before his sub-four-minute Mile. These are lower volume and / or higher rest sessions. (800m pace) This is likely why some runners excel when they change training programs or coaches. On the Pro / Semi-Pro side, we have athletes competing in different countries, Indoor and Outdoor. So this means that to perform optimally you need to have these qualities present in you training program and you need to always try to improve or maintain them: long endurance, short endurance, speed, strength training and plyometric training. There is also possible to progress by a combination of reducing the recovery, increase the length of each rep and running a higher volume of intervals, but its reccomended to only change one variable at a time. Increase the intensity of the quality training progressively from week to week. 6: Rest Intervals is trained at different paces and length. * 5-7 x 800m rest 3min (alternating off or on the track each rep) * 3-4 x 1500m rest 5min (2 off track - 1 on track) * 3-4 x 1000m rest 3min * 8-12 x 400m rest 1min We aim to do many of the sessions with slight variations of pace within each repetition so that the athlete can be thinking of moving smoothly and holding good form. Per 100m = 125s/8 =15.63s, Short intervals 80-90% of RP (race pace) Your goal is to be able to run longer at the speed of the race, not running faster than race pace. 7x600m. 3800 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 8+10 (3k-1500m pace) 4. 3: Rest Two - you have to stay in touch with basic speed throughout the year meaning you need fairly regular workouts at 95% of 400m speed at the very least. It is a range of work that most coaches dial in between an 8-15 minute race pace ability. 800 meter Training How Much Mileage should a Half-Miler Run? 8 min set rec. Pace may be 32 / 35 (Men / Women) during these weeks, but will progressively get faster as the competitive season approaches. Duration . 3 x 500 @ 800m race pace, with 8 minute rest, would be a very tough workout. The coach should be pragmatic in the coaching of athlete, not dogmatic! Plyometric training. 3. Long intervals become faster with longer rec. 8x200m 90 sec rec. (3k pace), Short aerobic intervals: Many HS or community runners falsely lean toward declaring they are a sprinter or endurance runner. So you need to change gears often in your training to get the best progression and adaptation. 90 sec rec This is merely a sample schedule that may help an uncoached runner, or a new coach, to consider types of workouts at different points of the season. Summary of the training in the different periods: Regeneration period: 3 workouts a week on the track is sufficient. In summary, I am slow to trust an inexperienced runner until I can spend about a year observing a few specified workouts to build up their perceived weakness. <br><br>I am actively enhancing my skills and knowledge of sport . We have provided enough information for an average person to develop their skills to excel in the 800. 10.8x200m @ 100% of race pace. Like all athletes Lisa follows two different training schedules, one for when she is competing, which is generally lighter, and one for the rest of the time, which is more intensive and she calls it full training. Summary of the fundamental period: This slightly drops to 85-95km in race preparatory phase, and drops a bit lower in the week of an important race. The training advice in this guide will be more suited for 400m/800m type and the pure 800m type. 800m - 2 laps 1500m- 3 3/4 laps Mile- 4 3000m - 7 1/2 laps 5000m - 12 1/2 laps 10000m - 25 laps If you are choosing to race indoor, it becomes a little more tricky; tracks vary from 180m around to 300m, but you will be able to find out from your local track which size it is, and therefore how many laps around your race of choice will be. (multi pace training) But is not combined in any race specific way. Read Highly Intelligent Training (Livingstone), No Bugles, No Drums (Snell), or Running to the Top (Lydiard) to expand your understanding of aerobic development at an Olympic level. 8: 3600 rest=4+6+8+2300 rest=3 (2400m), Progression is from aerobic power to maximum aerobic power to specific resistance with increasing speed. Progresses to 8x200m with 90 sec rec. May only run 2-3 times per week with some cross training. That means that increasing performance in the long intervals will have a positive influence on the amount of work and speed of your medium and short intervals. You are welcome to email our coaching staff for a free consultation / discussion about your goals: Otherwise, explore our site and make use of the information and videos. All the way up to an entire season. This athlete may be running cross country, but mainly to satisfy the aerobic base needed to excel in the 800 or 1500 meters. 4: 31000 at increasing speed per rep and per 400m rest 7+ 9 (3000m) Since they only lose by 1-3 seconds in the 200m, they perceive they are good at sprints, versus losing by 60-90 seconds in the Mile to a teammate. Enjoy!Please keep these training programs free by supporting me on patron here: ----- The specifics of training is not important. The 800m is more anaerobic than most endurance runners think. Easy to moderate continuous runs : 2. The weekly Long Run may fall into this category. The concept is more important to me. 50 min easy or rest In this period there is a gradual Increase the intensity(speed) of the quality training progressively from week to week. Training Programs Sneak Peek Video My 400m and 800m training programs are versatile and can be used for more than a means to get you your fastest 400m and/or 800m time in 12-20 weeks. Its time to sharpen your strengths and prepare for the pain of racing. Explosive leg strength: 8 min set rec. 8. 8x400m 90 sec rec. Since the intensity of these sessions are higher than in the fundamental period you might need longer recovery than 1 day of recovery that is normal in the fundamental period. 105-110% of Race pace. Access your training plan anywhere on the TrainingPeaks mobile and desktop apps. 4. Example of training program in the special period: 1. 3x400m 5 min rec (95%-105% of race pace) Hills sprints act as the support and lays the groundwork for later speed training on flat surfaces (track training). Lactate Threshold: Also called Anaerobic Threshold. Negative split means that you run the first interval slower than the others and gradually increase the speed on each interval. ( long intervals, basic mileage, strength training, plyometrics), During the specific period some sessions from the fundamental and special period is kept, but with lower frequency. *Medium to long intervals at 65-85% of 800m pace, working to increase the length of each (repeat over time, or the overall volume of the workout, but NOT increasing the speed. Aerobic Threshold Run: This is a slower / easy pace where the heart rate settles around 140-145 BPM. The person who is also competitive in the 1500 meters will likely capitalize on their middle-distance endurance and work enough to limit the lack of elite sprinting ability. As we prepare for the 800m and up, the aerobic system begins to play a vital role in an athletes success. You are building 2 bases. 500, 400, 300, 200 @ 800m race pace with plenty of rest between each. Progresses to 2x(2x400m) 3 min rec. 400m pace. Keep you easy days very easy, better to go abit too slow than to fast. 5x1000m. 2x(5300) rest=1+2+3+4 and 6 (3000m) 2: 50 min easy jog We offer an individual service, no two athletes are the same. How you should progress the intervals during the fundamental period: 1. Give yourself 2 easy days of jogging if you feel your body needs it after an hard interval day. This guide will be more practical. 3:00 Rec. Hi..I am 20 years old and I am running 800 m and my running time is 2:00 minuteplease give me time break work and diet.. followed athletics for years, any chance of an update of what lisa is doing now? Pace (Race Paces) Intensity: Discussed above. Most active athletes naturally have a range of paces in their training cycle. Schedule for a middle distance athlete aiming to run 2min 25secs (girl) and 2min 05 (boy) for 800m, 5min 04secs (girl) and 4min 20 (boy) for 1500m. An athletic basketball small forward or guard, or a high speed wide receiver come to mind. On Sunday, she'll run the Aramco Houston Half-Marathon and will indeed try for sub-1:12 and her Trials qualifier. Strides also build leg strength over months and years. This would be for 1:52 / 2:08 runners. Type II 800m runners will have 2 speed sessions per week (out of 12-13 sessions per week). 5. Here is the macro view of a 6-month (or 26 weeks) training period. Run on soft surface, at least on you recovery days and long runs. 800m specialists may work these 1600m pace repeats in the off season with an extended rest, such as a weekly 8-12 x 200m at Mile pace, with a 2:30 rest. Add some bodyweight exercises at the end of workouts, about 3 times per week. Taking as reference the last period of fulfillment of the Plan in the 1973-74 cycle, I present the following table: Weekly Anaerobic Threshold run of 20 minutes minimum. 10x120m sprints flat (1440m) This is the period where the main bulk of training is done. She now takes an iron supplement that she also endorses through a sponsorship deal, call Spatone. Also called a Tempo Run. Specific period: As we unpack the complexities of the event throughout this page you will begin to understand why it is such an endearing and difficult event. 3x300x 3 sets. 6. Starting in Week 21-22, weight room work will shift towards maintenance and not growth. 18.39s x 3 =55.1s per 300m. 3-4 min recovery (400m pace). (400-800m pace) Fundamental period: Tuesday morning is another easy run, and then in the afternoon a track session, but less intensive, about 80% work level. 3000m, 1500m, Mile, etc Run a 5000 around Week 15, maybe not for time, but very hard. A marathon runner should focus more on paces ranging from 10k to marathon pace in their training. 1 min rec @85% of RP Special period: For the speed training I prefer to increase the number of repetition only: 1. 3600+2600+2600 rest= 3 and 6 or 3400+3300+3400 rest 2 and 4 + general strength/core (3k/1500m pace) As you train, focus on keeping your body relaxed, especially the fingers, arms neck and face. Fundamental period: from Coventry University. 7. 8x150m 3 min rec. Running the intervals faster, but with longer recovery and reduced total volume. Day 4: Distance Running. If you train for example endurance for a long time and neglecting the other qualities your performance will not be optimal. Watch for signs of overuse injuries. Her personal best for the 1500m is 3:59.50 and for the 800 m is 2:00.14. Finally a 400m fast run The training must reflect the energy needs of the event. They are perfect for building the power and stride before you later train speed at the track. The goal is not to create as much force as possible (maximum strength) but create a lot of force within a short period of time (Rate of force development). The medium length intervals works as an aerobic support for your short intervals. Room Circuit Training one day/week - Start of season: Long hills (100m in length) Different quantities depending on preseason training 2 groups: 9/10 and 11/12 Alternate which does hills first 2-3 coaches at the hill (JOG to and from hill = mile) - Coach selects partners or small groups 15: Plyometrics+8x100m fast strides. Progresses to 5x1000m 90 sec rec. (1500m/3k pace), Speed: Tuesday: PM: 3km Warm Up, drills and strides, 1200, 800, 400, 5x200m. You and I will never stop learning and there is always things that can be done better. Now progression is from increasing volume at 95-105% of RP or reducing rest between intervals, but still running at 95-105% of RP. That confidence comes through challenging workouts and prep races. Universities run the Mile indoors, the 1500 outdoors; High schools run the 1600 and the 1500 - people often call the 1600 the "Mile," when it is a little short of the official distance. 80% of RP = 15.63/0.8=19.54 sec per 100m Over 90% of the top 800m runners also have great times in the 1500m as compared to 800m runners only having less than 10% of the top times in the 400. Another speed session could involve short hills at high speed (not max) with lots of rest. Weeks 17-19: Pre-meets, time trials, introduction to heavy anaerobic speed work. So first you need to figure out what type of 800m runner you are and then train accordingly. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 7: Plyometrics+8x100m fast strides. The plan is suitable for U19-U23 Male or Female athletes looking to bridge the gap to national competition level, or for Senior athletes with the opportunity for one session only daily.The plan has been used successfully to progress junior and senior athletes alike, as an example this plan was the template to progress a first year male U23 athlete from 1:56.7 to 1:52.6. And the total volume of interval work is reduced compared to the fundamental and special period. There are over 1000 articles on MotleyHealth, so browse the archives and use the search box. *Short to medium intervals at 80-90% of 800m pace ( 3k+ pace to 1500m+ pace) Build your base and mileage so you reach the milage you want to/will have during the fundamental period. 7 min set rec. Coordination and drill work becomes important to ensure the athlete can run injury free at these paces. I havent had side effects and my iron levels have really improved.. Training in zone 4 rather than zone 3 will probably develop the vo2 max more and also the pace of these intervals will be faster and more running specific to the pace of the 800m. Full speed. 2 min rest. On Thursdays she does a relaxed run in the morning, and then concentrates on speed drills and preds (preds define a running speed that is calculated using a formula based on age and maximum heart rate to improve endurance). Repeat the cycle with progression on the interval sessions. (95%-105% of race pace). Short intervals: 2x(300m+400m+300m) rest= 4+5 and 10 (2000m). Week to week system / endurance attributes reduced total volume of intervals, not the! Fall into this category perfect for building the power and stride before you train. Other qualities your performance will not be optimal of training is done Mileage should a Half-Miler run or... May only run 2-3 times per week intervals, not push the pace 200 @ 800m pace... 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