Which of the following actions is the nurse's priority? Infectious disease, communicable disease, and contagious disease do not describe food poisoning. The nurse is teaching the client about patient-controlled analgesia. The nurse is caring for a 40-year-old client who is 2 hours postoperative following an appendectomy. The nurse is caring for a client admitted with tuberculosis (TB). What is the best response by the nurse? A nurse is implementing the principles of surgical asepsis while inserting a client's indwelling urinary catheter. The nurse receives the client's culture and sensitivity report on her tracheal aspirate. A nurse is providing discharge instructions to a parent and his school-age child who has juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Which client statement would indicate to the nurse that preprocedure teaching has been effective? Instruct the patient care technician (PCT) to obtain a set of vital signs 3. The nurse discovers that the client did not sign the operative consent before receiving the preoperative medication. A nurse is caring for a toddler who is 24 hour postoperative following a cleft palate repair. Find the velocity of the air at the outlets and the rate of change of flow energy (flow power) across the $T$-fitting. Which statement accurately describes this process? A nurse is caring for a client who is on droplet precautions. A client is admitted with infective endocarditis (IE). AKA Spinal tap, involves the insertion of a hollow needle with a stylet (guide) into the subarachnoid space of the lumbar region of the spinal canal. Offer the family member a mask, explaining its use. The nurse is caring for a college student with meningococcal meningitis. Which response by the nurse is most appropriate? If one of the normal components of the cranial or spinal cavity (e.g., brain tissue, blood, or CSF) increases in size, volume, or shape, pressure increases. Which finding requires priority action? Which of the following positions would the nurse expect the client to be positioned on the operating table for renal surgery? FACES Numerical scale FLACC pain assessment scale Visual analog scale This problem has been solved! What essential information does the nurse need to explain to the visitor to prevent transmission of the organism? C. "I give my child aspirin to reduce his fever.". During the collision at the bottom of the elevator shaft, a 90 kilogram passenger is stopped in $5.0\text{~ ms}$. The nurse witnesses a client having a tonic-clonic seizure in the bed. Select all that apply. When the nurse finishes on the telephone, she goes to assess the client. Which client action indicates an accurate understanding of this information? Using thi s hypothetical case, and the fact that atoms maintain a charge of 0, how many protons , neutron s, and electrons would a pot ass ium-39 atom contain ? Wear a mask when working within 3 feet of the client. A nurse needs to send the blood and urine specimen of a client with acute diarrhea to the pathology laboratory. Perform hand hygiene before and after entering the client's room. Find True or False for the the following conditions: The most common presenting objective symptoms of a urinary tract infection in older adults, especially in those with dementia, include? Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate? An axon is an extension that carries impulses away from the neuron cell body. The compressed air enters this $2.5-\mathrm{cm}$ diameter fitting at $1.6 \mathrm{~MPa}$ and $40^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ with a velocity of $50 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$. The total distance between stations is $900 \mathrm{~m}$. A nurse is caring for a client with rubella. What medication should the nurse prepare to administer in the event the client has malignant hyperthermia? $$ What action does the nurse take to ensure that the saline used is sterile? How will the nurse likely respond? Obtain a culture of the drainage. 1 The nurse positions the client in the lithotomy position in preparation for 1- Renal surgery 2- Pelvic surgery 3- Perineal surgery Which of the following actions should the nurse take? (D) Urea makes lungfish tissue hypoosmotic to the pool. 1. A nurse is caring for a child who has otitis media. Which type of transmission precautions should the nurse follow when caring for the client? The vagus nerve a much larger portion of the body than the others. Donning gloves and gowns as a substitute for handwashing in some circumstances. A young adult client arrives at the community clinic with reports of changes in eating habits. The nurse is preparing discharge instructions for a family member who will be caring for a client with an abdominal incision. "Alcohol-based hand rub provides the greatest reduction in microbial counts on the skin.". The nurse understands that a change in which part of the brain is responsible for changes in the client's ability to perceive sensation? A 64-year-old man is seeing his urologist for an annual check-up, post prostatectomy. an 81-year-old man with active tuberculosis and a productive cough. This action supports, among other things, infection prevention. What action best reduces the risk of transmission to clients and staff? $$ Round to the nearest mL. An 83-year-old resident of an extended-care home has begun displaying uncharacteristic confusion over the past 48 hours and is suspected to have a new infection. What is the chemical released by the axon that enables nerve impulses to cross the synapse and reach the dendrites? The nurse should place the infant in which of the following positions following feedings? Routine nasal and rectal swabbing of a newly admitted hospital client has come back positive for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), indicating that the client is colonized with MRSA. Apply a nonparticulate (N-95) respirator when entering the room. Which of the following should the nurse recommend as a method of preventing iron deficiency anemia? What is the nurse's priority action? Which intervention should the nurse implement first? What measures would the nurse take to protect against spreading infection while overseeing the transport of this client? The nurse should respond with which of the following common names? The patient is scheduled to receive epidural anesthesia. Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins. Select all that apply. The friend of a long-term care client comes to visit despite having an upper respiratory infection. The nurse assesses fluid leaking from the ears which tests positive for glucose. The nurse, in assessing a patient's newly created stoma, observes that the stoma color is now dark purple. The nurse checking the client's vital signs observes that there are no visible signs of life. The nurse is caring for a postoperative client who develops evisceration of the abdominal incision. The client tells the nurse, "I am nervous about my upcoming EEG because I am afraid the shocks will hurt." The nurse is caring for a 52-year-old client who has experienced a complex lower leg fracture that needed surgical repair and is now immobilized. Select all that apply. In light of this patient's age, the nurse will prioritize nursing interventions aimed at preventing: A client is undergoing preoperative assessment. Normally ICP is 4 to 13 mmHg. The mother states her older child has just been diagnosed with chickenpox. A. What data obtained by the nurse is indicative of this damage? The client received general anesthesia for the procedure and has opioid pain medications prescribed. Which of the following instructions should the nurse provide the parents regarding administration of this medication? Transection (severing) of the cord can be incomplete, (partial) or complete. \underline{~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\text{HClO}_2 A nurse is planning care for a 10-month-old infant who is 8 hr postoperative following cleft palate repair. The nurse suspects that the client is experiencing which type of incontinence? A. Use all options. Nursing assessment findings reveal urinary output < 30 ml/hr, tachycardia, tachypnea, decreased hemoglobin, and acute confusion. What would be the best action by the nurse? What would the nurse expect to asses? How many years must have elapsed for the client to require this shot? Which could be the consequence of an injury close to where the brain and spinal cord connect? A new scrub technician is being oriented to the operating room. The client received general anesthesia for the procedure and has opioid pain medications prescribed. The nurse should prepare to administer: A patient with renal failure is scheduled for a surgical procedure. This wound is healing by: The nurse positions the client in the lithotomy position in preparation for. With increasing severity, paralysis, dysphagia, bladder and bowel dysfunction develop. $$. When should the client stop taking the aspirin before the surgery? A client is administered succinylcholine and propofol for induction of anesthesia. What does the nurse consider is the most likely cause of the client's change in condition? Acute Pain. After reviewing the image, what is the most important step for the nurse to take? The physician asks the nurse for the total amount of drainage collected in the Hemovac since surgery. Select all that apply. When explaining to the client about collecting the specimens, the nurse would inform the client that the specimens will be collected daily for: Every 2 hours, the nurse turns and repositions the client who is experiencing frequent diarrhea. What is the priority action by the circulating nurse? The nurse is concerned that a postoperative patient may have a paralytic ileus. Which nursing action is appropriate? A nurse is admitting a child who has leukemia. The client's vital signs are Temp 97.2F, HR 105, RR 24 and BP 110/50. Select all that apply. The visitor states, "I need to directly hold my loved one's hand without a barrier." Record your answer using a whole number. (A) Urea takes less energy to synthesize than ammonia. The nurse is caring for a client during an intra operative procedure. "I will obtain a mask from the staff and wash my hands before touching my family member.". Last bowel movement 5 days ago. The client is approximately 24hr postoperative and describes the pain as "severe". A nurse is caring for a client with Guillain-Barre syndrome. There is no visible soiling on the nurse's hands. A nurse is caring for a 2-month-old infant who is postoperative following repair of a cleft lip and palate. What nursing interventions are appropriate to decrease HCAIs? B plasmid transformation. What factors have contributed most significantly to this trend? Apply and release elbow restraints every hour. Many medications are available to control nausea and vomiting without oversedating the patient. What priority measures to avoid cross-contamination should the nurse provide? Based on this information, what type of precautions should the nurse initiate and review the procedures with staff members? What priority education should the nurse provide to assist in preventing respiratory complications? The answer is the nurse should encourage coughing and deep breathing to that particular client. A nurse is caring for a 55-year-old postoperative client. The nurse is caring for the client 36 hours after the client's admission and identifies the client's potassium level of 6.0 mEq/L (6.0 mmol/L). 1. Which is a function of the nervous system? Which would be considered significant blood exposures by occupational health? A nurse is wearing a cover gown. Select all that apply. A nurse is caring for a 55-year-old client with a left-sided stroke. 2. A parent calls a clinic and reports to a nurse that his 2-month-old infant is hungry more than usual but is projectile vomiting immediately after eating. based on the nurse's knowledge of the most common hospital-acquired infections, which apparatus is most important to remove first? Microorganisms present on the human body without host interference or interaction refers to: A nurse is working in a hospital in which a client has been admitted with pulmonary tuberculosis. What technique is represented? The patient had a large upper abdominal incision. A nurse is providing teaching to a parent of a preschooler who has eczema. Which of the following instructions should the nurse provide to the parent? A nurse is caring for a client with streptococcal pneumonia. Record your answer using a whole number. The nurse is caring for a client who became very ill after ingesting seafood. A general neurologic examination of a client with complaints of fever, chills, neck stiffness, and irritability confirms meningitis. The client states, "I'm really nervous about this surgery. The nurse's assessment of a postop client reveals a temperature of 103.2F, tachycardia, and client complaints of increased incisional pain. They are specialized to respond to electrical, chemical and physical stimuli (EX: pain, pressure, hot/cold), and messages are conducted and transferred through them (neurotransmission). . An older adult hospitalized client develops severe diarrhea from gram-negative rods that compromised the normal flora of the bowel. Which of the following play activities should the nurse recognize is therapeutic in helping the child deal with the injection? The nurse should perform the compressions using which of the following techniques? Respiratory rate is 20, temperature is 99.8 (taken orally), heart rate is 87, and blood pressure is 124/70. A. What should the nurse do first? B. Which statements made by the client demonstrates the education provided was effective? "As a nurse, I am required by law to report suspected child abuse.". Write an expression for an $\mathscr{R}$-state lightwave of frequency v propagating in the positive x-direction such that at t=0 and x=0 the $\overrightarrow{\mathbf{E}}$-field points in the negative z direction. When a client with an indwelling urinary catheter wants to walk to the hospital lobby to visit with family members, the nurse teaches him how to do this without compromising the catheter. An elderly client arrives at a healthcare facility with complaints of loss of sensation. Based on the nurse's knowledge of the most common hospital-acquired infections, which apparatus is most important to remove first? The nurse takes the opportunity to teach the family member about preventing the spread of the cold. How should the nurse respond? Use all options. The client is surprised at this finding, since he enjoys generally robust health. D. Initiate the use of a PCA pump for pain control. Which are general risk factors? Which of the following statements by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching? "Limit contact with large groups of people." c. "Avoid taking over-the-counter calcium supplements." d. "Follow a low-protein diet." ; b. A nurse is caring for a client with a head injury caused by a bicycle accident. What health teaching will the nurse share with the visitor? In which case is this practice contraindicated? Which precautions will the nurse begin? A client undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery is subjected to intentional hypothermia. The primary nurse educates the client about surgery and the postoperative period. In MS, the myelin sheath covering the nerves is destroyed. A nurse is caring for an infant who has a tracheoesophageal fistula. The nurses are collecting the contaminated material as per the double-bagging method. Select all that apply. What is the cause of the infection? Which of the following instructions should the nurse give to the parent? When would surgery be contraindicated for this patient due to laboratory results? Which nursing interventions should the nurse implement when caring for elderly clients? A nurse is caring for an infant who has gastroesophageal reflux. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect? Which of the following assessments is the nurse's priority? The client received general anesthesia for the procedure and has opioid pain medications prescribed. Do you think it will be ok?" What is the best action for the nurse to take? The client returns to the ICU after surgery intubated and mechanically ventilated with a Salem sump nasogastric tube, a Foley catheter, and a PICC line in place. A nurse is caring for a 55-year-old postoperative client. **Complete the medical term, based on its meaning as provided. What is the most common first symptom of a malignant tumor of the bladder? Name the rock type by observing the formation bearing in mind the given textures.\ The nurse is assisting the provider during a lumbar puncture on a client. A 79-year-old man is scheduled for surgical repair of an inguinal hernia. Which nursing action regarding the stethoscope used to auscultate this client's lungs and bowel sounds is appropriate? Which of the following interventions should the nurse include in the infant's plan of care? An instructor is developing for a class a teaching plan about agents used for intravenous (IV) anesthesia. Which stage of surgical anesthesia is also known as excitement? The client asks the nurse about possible ill effects from general anesthesia. What is the priority action by the nurse? Ms. Simpson, age 72 years, is being seen in the clinic with a suspected bladder tumor. The client received general anesthesia for the procedure and has opioid pain medications prescribed. Apply a topical corticosteroid ointment to the affected area. A nurse is caring for a client with multiple sclerosis (MS). Find the tangential and centripetal components of the net force exerted on a car (by the ground) when its speed is $27 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$, and it has accelerated to this speed from rest in $11 \mathrm{~s}$ on a curve of radius $450 \mathrm{~m}$. What precautions should the nurse take when caring for this client? The nurse has just admitted a 12-year-old client who is going to have an above-the-knee amputation of their left leg due to osteosarcoma. The client's mother insists that the client receive treatment. Discard the bottle and get a new one because the saline has expired. $$ Under the action of its stern and starboard bow thrusters, the cruise ship has the velocity $v_B$ = 1 m/s of its mass center B and angular velocity $\omega$ about a vertical axis. Avoid a diet that consists primarily of milk. In preparing a patient for surgery, the following areas should be addressed. A nurse has finished providing care for a client who is on contact precautions. The nurse suspects which of the following? Which of the following conditions should the nurse identify as the leading cause of death among this age group? A nurse is caring for a child who has Addison's disease. Which of the following is the appropriate response to the statement, "I'm so nervous about my surgery"? The nurse should identify that which of the following manifestations indicates a tympanic membrane rupture? What are benefits of a cover gown? Place the procedure steps in correct order. A nurse is planning care for a client who ingested a large amount of acetylsalicylic acid. What velocity and acceleration of A are observed by a passenger fixed to and rotating with the ship? The nurse identifies the vector of this infection as: Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Medical Terminology: Learning Through Practice. The parents of a 6-year-old child with celiac disease tell the school nurse that their . A mental health practitioner should be involved in the client's care to: Which of the following terms is used to refer to inflammation of the renal pelvis? Which is the function of the myelin sheath around an axon? Select all that apply. A nurse is caring for a client who has influenza and varicella. Which of the following precautions should the nurse initiate? The nurse is assisting a colleague with wound care. During routine assessment, the nurse notes the previously stable client now appears anxious, apprehensive, and has a blood pressure of 90/56. What important steps should the nurse follow when providing care for this client? When performing further assessments of this client, the nurse should understand that: older adults may present atypical signs and symptoms of infection. Huntington's disease is a chronic, progressive, hereditary condition in which brain cells in the basal ganglia prematurely die. The nurse should place a sign with which of the following warnings over the child's bed? Available amoxicillin 250mg/5 mL. Vanilla pudding= contains milk and should not be on a liquid diet tray. An ileal conduit is created for a client after a radical cystectomy. The client reports a frequent cough producing green sputum for 3 days and denies fever. The nurse applies an alcohol-based hand rub upon entering the client's room. "Please get a mask from the staff upon entry and use a mask along with hand hygiene when visiting to prevent the spread of infection to your friend and others.". Which assessment finding requires immediate nursing intervention? Which of the following manifestations should indicate to the nurse that the child's appendix is perforated? A patient undergoes surgery for removing a malignant tumor, followed by a urinary diversion procedure. Line the surface of the wheelchair or stretcher with a clean sheet or bath blanket to protect the surface from direct client contact. Case study The nurse is caring for a 52-year-old client who has experienced a complex lower leg fracture that needed surgical repair and is now immobilized. A college student with meningococcal meningitis to perceive sensation that enables nerve impulses to cross the synapse and the! Dysphagia, bladder and bowel dysfunction develop take when caring for a postoperative who! Following should the nurse to take interventions aimed at preventing: a client with an abdominal.... Which part of the organism many years must have elapsed for the procedure and has opioid medications... Transport of this patient 's newly created stoma, observes that the client asks nurse! Iron deficiency anemia instructions to a parent of a client who is 2 postoperative! 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Is subjected to intentional hypothermia topical corticosteroid ointment to the parent indicates an understanding of medication! The cord can be incomplete, ( partial ) or complete and palate touching my family member who will caring. So nervous about this surgery pressure is 124/70 facility with complaints of loss of sensation response to the parent an... Child with celiac disease tell the school nurse that their based on this information which apparatus most...
Powcan Weather Station Manual, Articles A
Powcan Weather Station Manual, Articles A