The following example directly assigns the data to the components. For more information, including descriptions of the NavLink and NavMenu components, see ASP.NET Core Blazor routing and navigation. Therefore, person data for each member of the people collection is not keyed on each person instance across the rendered Details components. A component's lifecycle methods and event callbacks raised by Blazor are executed on the synchronization context. In brief: Just two additions are required to implement AJAX based authorization in your existing ASP.NET Core application - first is on the javascri. ; The {DELEGATE} placeholder is the C# delegate event handler. Create a different property or method to supply the transformed data based on the parameter property. The team will review the feedback and notify you about the next steps. // handler name MUST be in pascal notation, // i.e., start with uppercase and camelized, // i.e., start with uppercase and camelize, "(C# ASP.NET Core) How to handle a click event in Razor Pages", (C# ASP.NET Core) Beginner's Introduction to Razor Pages, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Parameters aren't overwritten unexpectedly. Pages/ExpanderExample.razor: You can factor out child components purely as a way of reusing rendering logic. Strings are normally rendered using DOM text nodes, which means that any markup they may contain is ignored and treated as literal text. The following GenericTypeExample2 parent component sets the child content (RenderFragment) of two ListGenericTypeItems2 components specifying the ListGenericTypeItems2 types (TExample), which are cascaded to child components. In the wwwroot/index.html or Pages/_Host.cshtml file, add the following