To learn more about the User-Agent string, read here:, Default (0) = User-Agent reduction will be controllable via Experimentation, ForceDisabled (1) = User-Agent reduction diabled, and not enabled by Experimentation, ForceEnabled (2) = User-Agent reduction will be enabled for all origins. Microsoft Edge uses the in-app support feature (enabled by default) to allow users to contact our support agents directly from the browser. This policy is obsolete because it was intended to be a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their web content when it's found to be incompatible with the change to remove the U2F Security Key API. This setting lets you enable reporting of sites that Microsoft Edge users add to their local IE Mode site list. Note that other restrictions may still apply. Performance features and optimizations. Configures the change password URL (HTTP and HTTPS schemes only). Extensions and apps which have a type that's not on the list won't be installed. Microsoft Edge would be able to use accounts you logged in to Windows, Microsoft Office, or other Microsoft applications for login, without the needing of password. The value of the timeout should be no greater than 20 seconds and no fewer than 1 second. If you enable this policy, services and export targets that match the given list are blocked. If you enable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge displays quick links on the new tab page, and the user can interact with the control, turning quick links on and off. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can save and add their passwords in Microsoft Edge. This setting is applicable only when the InternetExplorerIntegrationSiteList or InternetExplorerIntegrationCloudSiteList setting is configured. The ProxyServer field is a URL for the proxy server. If you set this policy to True, Microsoft Edge will prompt a user to select a certificate for sites on the list defined in AutoSelectCertificateForUrls if and only if there is more than one certificate. If you don't set this policy or set it to false, or the SHA-1 certificate chains to a publicly trusted certificate root, then Microsoft Edge won't allow certificates signed by SHA-1. If you set this policy to "AllowPublicInterfaceOnly" or "DisableNonProxiedUdp", WebRTC doesn't expose the local IP address. * is not an accepted value for this policy. Search in Sidebar allows users to open search result in sidebar (including sidebar search for Progressive Web Apps). Enter a name and description for the policy. This policy is only available on Windows 10 devices with Virtual Secure Mode capability. In the Search box, type the name of the person who has granted you access to their calendar, and press Enter. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users will be able to upload files while in Application Guard. If you don't configure this policy, the browser might send DNS-over-HTTPS requests to a resolver associated with the user's configured system resolver. Support for suppressing the TLS 1.0/1.1 warning was removed from Microsoft Edge starting in version 91. If you set this policy to "Never", the OS Regional format will never be shared. Note: This policy does not provide an option to exclude specific domains. If you set this policy to True, or don't configure it, the user is allowed to use the --ie-mode-file-url command line argument for launching local files in Internet Explorer mode. If there are multiple printers that meet the criteria, the first printer that matches is used. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can choose their own home page, as long as the HomepageIsNewTabPage policy isn't enabled. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button isn't shown in the toolbar by default. Show Microsoft Rewards experience and notifications. If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the AutoplayAllowed policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites. Set 'BlockPotentiallyDangerousDownloads' to allow all downloads except for those that carry Microsoft Defender SmartScreen warnings of potentially dangerous or unwanted downloads or that have dangerous file type extensions. URL patterns can't conflict with FileSystemReadAskForUrls. Some parts of sites might not work). Local history and local favorites suggestions will not appear. Connections to these ports will fail. The search bar will be restarted on system reboot if auto-start is enabled. For accessibility, users can change the browser setting from the default policy. You'll test routing of network traffic using tracert tool from myVMPublic VM to myVMPrivate VM, and then you'll test the routing in the opposite direction. This policy lets you configure the double click feature in Microsoft Edge. When a file:// URL is requested to launch in Internet Explorer mode, the file extension of the URL must be present in this list in order for the URL to be allowed to launch in Internet Explorer mode. If you don't configure this policy, or the printer list is empty, all printer types are discoverable. The following example returns the name of the class in addition to the data specific to a particular instance of the class. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can configure the Clear browsing data option in Settings. Specifically, there's a Suggest similar pages when a webpage can't be found toggle, which the user can switch on or off. Sets the minimum supported version of TLS. It doesn't work in Microsoft Edge after version 93. This policy only applies for Microsoft Edge local user profiles, profiles signed in using a Microsoft Account, and profiles signed in using Active Directory. For detailed information about valid url patterns, please see If you enable or don't configure this policy, transparency metadata provided by ads will be available to the user when the feature is active. When a site is redirected from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge, the Internet Explorer tab that started loading the site is closed if it had no prior content. The option to launch the search bar from Microsoft Edge jump list menu will be disabled. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users can't see the options 'Open in Internet Explorer mode' and 'Open in Edge mode' under "More tools" menu. Allows users to create new profiles, using the Add profile option. If not, users' personal settings apply. The password must be at least 12 characters long and meet the, Deploy virtual machines (VMs) into different subnets, Route traffic from one subnet to another through an NVA. By default, Azure routes traffic directly between subnets. Performance features and optimizations. If you enable this policy HTTP auth credentials entered in the context of one site will automatically be used in the context of another site. See for a list of variables you can use when specifying directories and paths. Note: Disabling a command will only remove its shortcut mapping. Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can ask the user for access to a USB device. The default value for the setting is "Limited". This is a web standards compliant feature, but it may break functionality on some websites by causing certain actions to be delayed by up to a minute. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the profile automatically signed in with a user's work or school account on Windows can be signed out or removed by the user. The plain URL will still be available for non-rich surfaces. pinterest_suggestions (pinterest_suggestions) = Pinterest suggestions, collections_share (collections_share) = Sharing of Collections, local_pdf (local_pdf) = Save local PDFs in Collections to OneDrive, send_word (send_word) = Send collection to Microsoft Word, send_excel (send_excel) = Send collection to Microsoft Excel, send_onenote (send_onenote) = Send collection to Microsoft OneNote, send_pinterest (send_pinterest) = Send collection to Pinterest. Cookies set for domains match specified patterns will revert to legacy SameSite behavior. You can debug and fix all kind of problems in DevTools. You can use this setting to determine how many days that configuration is remembered in the browser. By configuring this policy, you specify the range of local UDP ports that WebRTC can use. This policy will be removed in Microsoft Edge for Microsoft Windows and macOS once support for using the platform supplied certificate verifier and roots are planned to be removed. Unrecognized languages in that list will be ignored. This policy is intended to give enterprises flexibility to disable the network sandbox if they use third party software that interferes with the network service sandbox. Users with Microsoft Edge versions 87 and later can open files using the ClickOnce protocol by default but have the option to disable the ClickOnce protocol with edge://flags/ page. Each port listed in this policy is labeled with a date that it can be unblocked until. Disable this policy to restrict Google Cast to Cast devices on RFC1918/RFC4193 private addresses. Lets the Microsoft Edge browser enable XFA (XML Forms Architecture) support in the native PDF reader and allows users to open XFA PDF files in the browser. Optionally you can omit the product_id field. If you enable or don't configure this policy, shopping features such as price comparison, coupons, rebates and express checkout will be automatically applied for retail domains. Setting the policy specifies which native messaging hosts aren't subject to the deny list. Note that you can still use ExtensionInstallForcelist and ExtensionInstallAllowlist to allow / force install specific extensions even if the store is blocked using the JSON in the previous example. This policy will only take effect on Windows 10 RS2 and above. The home page is the page opened by the Home button. InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel is set to 'IEMode' This policy will be removed in the future. The policy value is only applied when the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled policy is enabled, and is not applicable otherwise. Users can choose the efficiency mode option they want in edge://settings/system. If you disable or don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will use a default refresh interval, currently 120 minutes. For the domains on this list, the browser will send the Token Binding ClientHello in the TLS handshake (See If you don't configure this policy, passwords are imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import them manually during later browsing sessions. If you disable this policy, the home page setting isn't imported at first run, and users can't import it manually. For detailed information on valid url patterns, see The frequency for authentication prompt will be set to 'Always' by default. This policy only matches based on origin, so any path or query in the URL pattern is ignored. The checks attempt to discover whether the browser is behind a proxy that redirects unknown host names. Enables web search suggestions in Microsoft Edge's Address Bar and Auto-Suggest List and prevents users from changing this policy. When applying non-pinned links via this policy to an existing browser profile, the links may not appear at all, depending on how they rank compared to the user's browsing history. If you don't configure this policy, notifications are allowed by default, and the user can change this setting. Microsoft Edge doesn't clear cached images and files by default when it closes. If you enable or don't configure this policy, users can open files using the DirectInvoke protocol. Users can't remove a protocol handler registered by this policy. If you disable this policy, autofill form data isn't imported at first run, and users can't import it manually. If you enable this policy the one-time redirection dialog and banner will never be shown to users. Specifically, there's a Use a web service to help resolve navigation errors toggle, which the user can switch on or off. If you do not set this policy, or disable it, there will be no change to the user's spellcheck preferences. If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will still show an error for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 but the user will be able to bypass it. For Windows instances not joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, forced installation is limited to apps and extensions listed in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. The URLs must be valid, or the policy is ignored. Enter this information: Select the Review + create tab or select the Review + create button. The DirectInvoke protocol allows websites to request that the browser open files from a specific URL using a specific file handler on the user's computer or device. For more information about this policy see These tables list all of the browser-related group policies available in this release of Microsoft Edge. Cookies created by websites that don't match the pattern are controlled by the DefaultCookiesSetting policy (if set) or by the user's personal configuration. The entire process happens on the device and no audio or caption text ever leaves the device. OBSOLETE: This policy is obsolete and doesn't work after Microsoft Edge 106. With this policy, you can configure up to three quick link tiles on the new tab page, expressed as a JSON object: [ { "url": "", "title": "Contoso Portal", "pinned": True/false }, ]. You can also set this policy as a recommendation. If you enable or don't configure this policy, Follow in Microsoft Edge can be applied. TrackingPreventionOff (0) = Off (no tracking prevention), TrackingPreventionBasic (1) = Basic (blocks harmful trackers, content and ads will be personalized), TrackingPreventionBalanced (2) = Balanced (blocks harmful trackers and trackers from sites user has not visited; content and ads will be less personalized), TrackingPreventionStrict (3) = Strict (blocks harmful trackers and majority of trackers from all sites; content and ads will have minimal personalization. If you enable this policy or don't configure it, hardware acceleration is enabled unless a GPU feature is explicitly blocked. Ambient Authentication is http authentication with default credentials when explicit credentials aren't provided via NTLM/Kerberos/Negotiate challenge/response schemes. See Move resources to new resource group or subscription. Otherwise custom_size property shouldn't be specified. Choose whether users can receive customized background images and text, suggestions, notifications, and tips for Microsoft services. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the user's personal configuration is used. To open the shared calendar, follow these steps: At the bottom of the navigation bar, select Calendar. Select Create. BalancedSavings (4) = When the device is unplugged, efficiency mode takes moderate steps to save battery. If this policy is not configured, then the user can decide to use the favorites bar or not. Specify a list of deprecated web platform features to temporarily re-enable. If you disable this policy, users can't access the Grammar Tools feature within Immersive Reader. If you disable the RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy or don't configure it, the value stored in this policy isn't used. If you set this policy, you can list the URL patterns that specify which sites can ask users to grant them write access to files or directories in the host operating system's file system. The option to enable the search bar at startup will be toggled on if the WebWidgetIsEnabledOnStartup policy is enabled. In the Overview page of myVMPrivate, select Connect then Bastion. This policy doesn't work because it was only intended to be a short-term mechanism to support the update to a new SmartScreen client. (x == y). CommandLineOverridesEnabled (2) = Allow users to override feature flags using command line arguments only, OverridesEnabled (1) = Allow users to override feature flags, OverridesDisabled (0) = Prevent users from overriding feature flags. In Route table, select myRouteTablePublic that you created in the previous steps. Azure AD identifies the platform by using information provided by the device, such as user agent strings. Upgrade from on-premises accounts to AAD accounts will be stopped as well. On the Basics tab of Create route If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge Application Guard ignores other sources of proxy configurations. For example, users will still be able to paste using keyboard shortcuts because this isn't controlled by the clipboard site permission. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge will perform soft-fail, online OCSP/CRL checks. Security. When this policy is set to enabled, extensions installed by enterprise policy are allowed to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API. 1 Create a Synapse workspace 2 Analyze using serverless SQL pool 3 Analyze using a Data Explorer pool 4 Analyze using a serverless Spark pool 5 Analyze using a dedicated SQL pool 6 Analyze data in a storage account 7 Integrate with pipelines 8 Visualize with Power BI 9 Monitor 10 Explore the Knowledge center 11 Add an administrator Workspace To avoid data loss or other unexpected errors, don't configure this policy to a volume's root directory or to a directory used for other purposes, because Microsoft Edge manages its contents. Set to 'PasswordProtectionWarningOnPasswordReuse' to show password protection warnings when the user reuses their protected password on a non-allowlisted site. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge uses the provided directory to store a roaming copy of the profiles, as long as you've also enabled the RoamingProfileSupportEnabled policy. The "secure" mode will only send DNS-over-HTTPS queries and will fail to resolve on error. BlockInsecureContent (2) = Do not allow any site to load mixed content, AllowExceptionsInsecureContent (3) = Allow users to add exceptions to allow mixed content. Neither policy takes precedence if a URL matches with both. This policy is no longer supported. Starting with Microsoft Edge version 83, if this policy is set to the value of 'FromMozillaFirefox', the following datatypes will be imported from Mozilla Firefox: If you want to restrict specific datatypes from getting imported on the managed devices, you can use this policy with other policies such as ImportAutofillFormData, ImportBrowserSettings, ImportFavorites, and etc. Note there cannot be conflicting URL patterns set between these three policies: For detailed information about valid url patterns, see If this policy is disabled, the audio process will run with normal priority. Sites that cannot possibly be configured to open in Internet Explorer, such as any site with a scheme other than http:, https:, file:, or ftp: do not delay navigating and load immediately in Edge mode. If you set this policy to 'OverridesDisabled', users can't override state of feature flags using command line arguments or edge://flags page. This setting is applicable only when the InternetExplorerIntegrationLevel setting is configured. Controls whether insecure websites are allowed to make requests to more-private network endpoints. GP unique name: RegisteredProtocolHandlers, GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Content settings, Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended, Preference Key Name: RegisteredProtocolHandlers, GP unique name: SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls, GP name: Automatically grant sites permission to connect all serial ports, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls, Preference Key Name: SerialAllowAllPortsForUrls, GP unique name: SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls, GP name: Automatically grant sites permission to connect to USB serial devices, Preference Key Name: SerialAllowUsbDevicesForUrls, GP unique name: ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled, GP name: Allow notifications to set Microsoft Edge as default PDF reader, Value Name: ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled, Preference Key Name: ShowPDFDefaultRecommendationsEnabled, GP unique name: SpotlightExperiencesAndRecommendationsEnabled, GP name: Choose whether users can receive customized background images and text, suggestions, notifications, and tips for Microsoft services, Value Name: SpotlightExperiencesAndRecommendationsEnabled, GP unique name: WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls, GP name: Allow listed sites to connect to any HID device, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls, Preference Key Name: WebHidAllowAllDevicesForUrls, GP unique name: WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls, GP name: Allow listed sites connect to specific HID devices, Preference Key Name: WebHidAllowDevicesForUrls, GP unique name: WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls, GP name: Automatically grant permission to these sites to connect to HID devices containing top-level collections with the given HID usage, Value Name: WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls, Preference Key Name: WebHidAllowDevicesWithHidUsagesForUrls, GP name: Allow the WebHID API on these sites, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidAskForUrls, GP name: Block the WebHID API on these sites, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebHidBlockedForUrls, Preference Key Name: WebHidBlockedForUrls, GP unique name: WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls, GP name: Grant access to specific sites to connect to specific USB devices, Preference Key Name: WebUsbAllowDevicesForUrls, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbAskForUrls, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\WebUsbBlockedForUrls, Preference Key Name: WebUsbBlockedForUrls, GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderEnabled, GP name: Enable the default search provider, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Default search provider, GP path (Recommended): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge - Default Settings (users can override)/Default search provider, Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderEnabled, GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderEncodings, GP name: Default search provider encodings, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings, Path (Recommended): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended\DefaultSearchProviderEncodings, Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderEncodings, GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURL, GP name: Specifies the search-by-image feature for the default search provider, Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURL, Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURL, GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams, GP name: Parameters for an image URL that uses POST, Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams, Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams, GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderKeyword, Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderKeyword, GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderName, Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderName, GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL, GP name: Default search provider search URL, Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL, Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL, GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL, GP name: Default search provider URL for suggestions, Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL, Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL. 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