We ask the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the North to temper us with strength to withstand the biting blizzards, yet make us thankful for the beauty which follows and lies deep over the warm Earth in its wake. The west is associated with lightning - a symbol that connects heaven and earth or the ethereal realm with the physical realm. Mother Earth, Thank you for your beauty, And for all you have given me. According to Sagarmal Jain, it aims to reach and remain in a state of "pure-self awareness or knowership." Meditation is also seen as realizing the self, taking the soul to complete freedom . Is it possible that the folktale we know and love about Santa Claus finds its roots in the psychedelic mushroom-eating shamanism of people living in boreal regions of Europe? So let's take the masonic path in an anti-clockwise direction. The color is white. She said (I believe) we capitalize the names of the planets, why then would we not capitalize the Sun and the Moon, which are surely at least as significant as the planets? On the other side of the spirit veil, I spend more than a little bit of time researching the hallucinogens. I cant believe it took me so long. With that in mind, it is clear to see that the west symbolically represents the point when thoughts and emotions enter the conscious mind from the subconscious mind. When you know this, and where you are in your cycle, you can make better-informed decisions. For me it has to do with the habit of being busy and right now in my life it is just thata habit. Whatever the reason is, the intention must carry an unyielding presence of love and focus for sacred space to open. In fact, the mycelia of the mushroom intertwine with the roots of the tree in a mycorrhizal relationshipin this case, a positive symbiosis. What is their significance? The process of death and rebirth is distinctly evident in the symbolism of the four directions. 00:49:16 - In this meditation Colleen guides you through a Reiki journey and meditation to assist you in finding your path and next step in 2023. Like the Egyptians, Christians associate the north with the Pole Star which is always visible in the night sky. Fire is also associated with strength, activity and the life-force that provides us with the courage and motivation we sometimes need to head into new experiences with confidence. 1. Not just sweet Rain, but also the powerful Thunderbeings. Give me wisdom so I am able to make wise choices in all things which are put in front of me, And when time for my change of worlds has come, Let me go peacefully, without regrets, for the things I neglected to do as I walked along my path. Many things have been placed on the earth for our use. Everything the Power of the World does, is done in a circle. North represents the time of Lifes closing (not ending, for all of Life is a Wheel and what follows the North is the East, new beginnings.) 23a Kapetan Misina, Stari Grad, Belgrade, Serbia, 11158. South is the direction of the woman, and we honour them as the gateways through which our spirits come to earth, and we ask that women everywhere be protected for they are sacred. Air represents mental states. Very still. But water, by its very nature, is also destructive, thus associated with death and rebirth. You can relax and surrender to the teachings of the forest and the great tree in this guided meditation. ~ Joseph Cardinal RatzingerThe Spirit of the Liturgy. It is thought that the conscious mind responds to these instructions. Though it can be deadly when consumed improperly, some cultures eat it for sustenance after boiling away its toxins. ", Following the counter-clockwise sequence of the Wheel of four Directions, the north-west would be the point where consciousness begins its descent into the mind of man. In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine. From the point of view of. Visualizing an inner light at the heart is a component of loving-kindness meditation, and the other Brahma Vihara practices of compassion, appreciative joy, and equanimity. A meditation on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual selves within us, so that we can lead more effectively and find wholeness. For those unfamiliar with Amanita muscaria or Fly Agaric as its also known, youve probably seen it depicted in pop culture from Super Mario to Alice in Wonderland, to the toadstool your average garden gnome is seen akimbo beneath. Whatever you think habitually during the day sinks into the subconscious and sends it instructions. And never let me be burdened with sorrow by not starting over again. The North is associated with the Earth, which sustains us and holds us from the time we are a baby until we are laid to rest at the close of our Lifes journey. The Cardinal Directions have symbolism and meaning that are very important to your Spirit, Totem, and Power Animal quest. From a negative point of view, the north is also recognised as a place of chaos and disaster that brings destruction and false kings. When the four cardinal points is mentioned in mythology, there are hidden meanings. Egypt - the enemy of the Israelites - is south of the promised land (of enlightenment). The Hebrew here says "yama, tsfona, temana, mizracha.". I ask that you bless our elders and children, families, and friends, and the brothers and sisters who are in prison. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The four directions help to explain how we do that. And the direction I naturally chose was west, looking out over the vast San Luis Valley. This is a continuation of Susan's last 8 med. Category: Guided Meditation. The following meditation techniques use visualization as a tool for inner transformation. During the research for this article, I noticed that other commentators on this subject sometimes provide the same meanings for west and east - most notably new beginnings. Check out this great listen on Audible.com. In Masonic traditions, this is what the east represents. South represents Summer and is a time of great abundance. The subconscious mind is an invisible force until it reveals its energy in the form of thoughts, emotions, instinctive actions and experiences. We ask the Grandmothers and Grandfathers of the South to remind us that the end our days is no more sad than the end of a single day, and that the end is often better than the beginning. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Symbolism of the Compass. Bring into balance the physical, mental and spiritual, so I am able to know my place on this earth, in life and in death. Now, I invite you to turn toward the direction that calls to you today. I pray for the ones who are sick on drugs and alcohol and for those who are now homeless and forlorn. Also available as a Cine-Book. Animals of the East are birds in flight such as the owl, hawk, and hummingbird. No matter what our life looks like, no matter how we feel, no matter what weve done or not done, there is an opportunity to begin again, to make new choices with the coming of a new day. The animal often associated with the South is the Lion or the Cougar, which often represents strength and courage and leadership. Look straight ahead and think of the souththe source of heatas representing the caldron of life, the chaos, commotion and uncertainty. . First the practitioner observes his bodyhis breath; the four bodily postures of walking, standing, lying, and sitting; bodily . When I sat facing the West, I felt the energy of the Setting Sun, of the evening, of the going-within time. Oddly enough, the highest or deepest places you can go in meditation, or, in other words, some of the furthest reaches that you can go to in meditation, the greatest levels of joy or peace in the conditioned world, where there is a tremendous sense of peace, well-being, and equanimity, that's where applying the Four Noble Truths is the most . It is in the subconscious mind where you personal programs are updated. Its also pertinent to note where the hierarchy of masons sit; the west is the seat of the Senior Warden and the Grand Master. The Wind, in its greatest power, whirls. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. For example, putting water in a chalice on the west side of the altar. At the heart of Chinese mythology are four spiritual creatures (S Shu ) -- four celestial emblems -- each guarding a direction on the compass. psychedelic journeys over the thousands of years of its known use. This ability of music to release emotion is greatly amplified by the use of psychedelics which allows the listener to project his personal experiences and visual fantasies into the unfolding experience. Become taller on the in breath and relax around good alignment on the out-breath. There is no doubt that the direction of the north represents darkness, emptiness, or nothingness and eternity. The north is therefore where the initial idea is generated and the rest of the cycle is how we nurture the desire to fruition. After a long winter, the renewed sense of life emerges. Furthermore, in ancient symbolism, the element of water is associated with the female principle, a Goddess in many guises which represents love-based emotions, dedication and nurturing. The west is also considered a place of darkness which comes with the setting of the sun. In the third verse, God says, let there be light (fire). Then create the determination to sit still for the period of the meditation. Water can be tranquil or it can be fierce, and when left unattended becomes stagnant and polluted. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. A "prayer to the four directions" is a bit of a misnomer because just about every version I've seen involves calling out to the spirits of at least six directions: the four cardinal directions, up to the heavens, down to Earth, and sometimes even back to the center of the self. Jason Ghost. A pack of 4 guided meditations to connect you to the four directions. This is a continuation of Susan's last 8 meditations which can be heard by clicking below, but it can also be enjoyed on its own.1. To strengthen my argument for following the Wheel of the Four Directions in counter-clockwise sequence, allow me to draw your attention to the symbolism assigned to the directions within a Masonic lodge. Doing this type of self-analysis enables you to observe the energies you are projecting. Interesting enough, the north-east corner is also regarded as a symbol of sacrifice and beginning. While there is some contention around this theory, there are a number of undeniable motifs connecting Santas yearly. One of the fundamental aspects of the earth element is the. The eagle with her keen sight and the wolf, proud to be part of the tribe. The North represents the Winter of our Life. By honouring all of these directions, we will have honoured all that is. As you face each direction, smudge or fan sage, blow scented water, or shake a rattle and say the prayer aloud. other gentle forms of movement. King Solomon, known for his wisdom, is associated with the heart chakra. I ask that this world be filled with Peace, Love, and Beauty. The animal often associated with the North is the Buffalo. Thank you for bringing me here at this time. Our members inspire our own authenticity: the quest for transformation never ends. It is direct communication with the subconscious mind - a major clue to the esoteric interpretation of the four cardinal points. Chakras impact your emotional and psychological condition. I pray for your healing The English philosopher and biologist Herbert Spencer said life is a continual adjustment of internal relations to external relations. As winter is the season of waiting and surviving, the Cherokee word for North literally means cold. When he prepared the heavens. The East gave peace and light, the South gave warmth, The West gave rain and the North, with its cold and mighty wind, gave strength and endurance. It is about action. Thank the serpent, jaguar, hummingbird, and eagle for their wisdom. Insight into the nature of reality. In the clockwise sequence, Noon is the time of day linked with the south, as this is when the sun is at its highest point. Instead of Alpha 2 Omega, the beginning to the end, U have the 4 season's of Meditations! We often dont consider ourselves to be of value or to be important, but we are. I am blessed currently to live in a home with windows that face the Sangre de Cristo mountain range. In, from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being., 10 Ways Unhealthy Lifestyles Wreck Your Immune System, Psychology 101: The 12 Major Archetypes And Their Shadows », Depression Linked With Chronic Stress Says New Study. Just remember, the west relates to the subconscious mind which produces life (from its waters). Meditations But we are also reminded that the Great Spirit is no further from us then the tilting upwards of our heads and the raising of our eyes. Past experiences are stored within the neural programming. May the four winds carry blessings far and wide. Whatever energies you project from the unconscious (below), come to the surface (above). But more about that later. It is said that the smoke attaches itself to those things within us that are negative, and will carry these things away, if we allow it. Clear your space of clutter and mess and open up windows and curtains and allow for clean air to enter. Because I am now working part-time I have the time to slow down and be fully present and connected to these energies that are available at all times but . Great Spirit of Love, come to me with the power of the North (white). The animals of the South hold the lesson of strength, courage, and pride. It makes sense for us to enter in the north-east section also. This ceremony will acknowledge the seven sacred directions. Negative interpretations in relation to the south can certainly be found in Christian interpretations of the Bible. Each direction is associated with an element of the natural world, and represents some part of our human nature as well. Let me remember always that you give the gift of a new day. This path draws information you need to know from your unconscious and enables you to change your habitual thinking and behaviours. The medicine wheel holds meaning to life, death, birth, aftermath, rebirth, and the sacredness of place along the path. This is the anchor for the meditation. Support me as I see my own fears Teach me about your endurance and your great joy In terms of self-development, Death is often a positive symbol. When you let go of old values, beliefs and attitudes, energy transforms and you adopt new values, beliefs and attitudes. * The opportunity to begin each day anew is an incredible gift that each one of us has. Both the exoteric viewpoint and my esoteric theory relate to cycles of life, hence the common relationship between the four cardinal points, the seasons and time of day. Consider the West (the setting sun) and the color black. The chief and Worshipful Master of the lodge sit in the east. Birds make their nests in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours. Whatever you create in your life is acquired by your attitudes, beliefs and application. The number four corresponds to rootedness, solidity, containment, and giving grounded structure to spiritual and creative inspirations. Im unfolding the story this way to demonstrate how subtle differences in the interpretation of symbolism creates a canyon between opposing points of view. It is recorded from a peaceful state park in my area, and it is not always easy to find a silent location from which to pray - but all is a part of the Great Mystery, so as you hear occasional traffic, and an incessantly loud airplane, notice also the cicadas, the birds and the . Share this post. I can totally relate 2 this Native American "BIBLE" that has the wisdom of the Elders throughout! The animals representing the North include white buffalo, moose, and bear. Consider creating an altar representing each direction. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. And the internet is full of website publishing these semi-fragments of information. Symbolically, this cardinal point implies setting an intention prior to meditation, saying a prayer or making a wish before you go to sleep. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. August 31, 2022 00:37; Updated; Dr Joe's Four Hour Pineal Gland Meditation has not been recorded for purchase and is only practiced at Advanced Retreats. Further, each corresponds to a quadrant in the . We first acknowledge the East direction, the direction of the sunrise and new beginnings. Numerous meditation techniques have been clinically shown to result in a wide variety of physical and psychological benefits. In our center is the home of our Heart may we always return to this place, so that we may know the meaning of our journey. In your head, in your shoulders, in your trunk, in your legsjust heaviness. If you want to improve the quality of your life, you should follow the path of the four cardinal points in an anti-clockwise direction. Mother Earth provides us with the foundations and sustenance to grow. For understanding of life cycles I work with the four directions of the medicine wheel: East, South, West, and North. Thus we have cycles of life and the transformation of energy. And herein we move to the east - where the thought is awakened in consciousness with the potential to develop into new beginnings - just as nature returns to life in Spring. The moon does the same and both are round. Its also worth noting at this point that the layout of a Masonic lodge is designed on the biblical Temple of Solomon. Metempsychotic. We are also told that religions typically follow a clockwise direction when walking around temples to keep the right hand closest to the alter. Other traditions relate the west to a time when you have to look within and observe what is happening in your life. In other words, this is the future state of mind they must strive to acquire. We acknowledge the colour white, and the White Race that it represents. If you are seeking to get in touch with your inner life, with your emotions, turn towards the west. The first four directions are the four main directions of the compass: East, South, West and North. When we enter the energy of the North, we may gain Wisdom. In order to do this we must first shed old values to make way for new views of the world. There are three more Sacred Directions: up above to the stars is yellow, down below to the earth is brown and the center is green. And it is so important that you are mindful of your thoughts. May I take great care of you so that my children and my childrens children Let us also consider the qualities of water and compare its attributes with consciousness. The color is red and it symbolizes protection. The element of the east is air, represented on our altar by a feather. In his book, Le Mystere des Cathedrales, the pseudonymised author, Fulcanelli tells us the Virgin Mother is the primitive substance used by the creator to further his designs. South: Fire, transformation and action. We have moved through these four directions, given them shape and meaning: This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. One of the major tools given to us are the plant medicines. And similarly feeling the sense of lightness, buoyancy throughout this body. * I choose, sometimes, to capitalize words not generally capitalized in order to imbue them with more sacredness. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Physical attributes are reflected in the element of Earth. All Rights Reserved. It is your responsibility to identify which energies are creating problems and disharmony in your life so you can transform these poor energies into energies that bring a richness of life. Unless you cultivate your mind and evolve, you become stagnant, energy dams up in the body and you become victim to illness and "bad luck". Over the last four years, a task force of meditation researchers and teachers met regularly to develop recommendations for expanding the current meditation research field to include these important yet often neglected topics. The abysses were not yet and already I was conceived. Therefore, people revere him, for does he not have regard for all the wise in heart? ~ Job 37:22-24. $15.99. To do that we have to consciously make sacrifices. Fire is also considered a negative element because of the danger it poses if allowed to get out of control. Yet, some commentators writing about the symbolism of the four directions say that east represents illumination. Great visionary, remind me to lead from my pure heart The Queen of the South here is referring to the solar plexus chakra which is just below the heart chakra. Master Mind Content is a leading authority in decoding ancient symbolism . When you follow a counter-clockwise course around the Wheel of the Four Directions, you have a better understanding of how the process works. It also explains why American tribes dedicated the West to the Keeper of Death. You can relax and surrender to the teachings of the forest and the great tree in this guided meditation. . Light dawns in the morning and spreads over the earth. Until then, you must follow the anti-clockwise route, look within and find the next missing piece of your emotional puzzle. Great Spirit of Light, come to me out of the East (red) with the power of the rising sun. With tears in my eyes and an ancient song from my heart I pray. How to teach the four directions: Here is a game you can play to help your students remember the directions. we too decay and die many times in a life time only to come back to fruition again and again, after reflection, meditation, awareness, acceptance and surrender. And West is about the power of going within, hibernating, Dreaming, Healing. MEDITATION NAME: PLAY: DOWNLOAD: SOURCE * Net of Light \/ Book 1, pg 165 ** Claiming and Holding Sacred Space \/ Book 2, pg 259: The Pitcher and the Cup \/ Book 1, pg 167: Rose of the Heart Meditation \/ Book 1, pg 174: Circle of Stones \/ Book 2, pg 261 ** Fabric of Being Meditation \/ Book 1, pg 173: Monday Meditation: Calling in the Four Directions and Elemental Forces Aired Mon, 10/17/22 9:00-9:45 AM PDT. Spirit Keeper of the North, White Buffalo, Be with me. He combines universal core shamanism with traditional European spirit lore to create spiritual practices that can heal and enrich one's own life and the lives of others. And that's the best place to start. This state of stillness is when you are most receptive to your higher conscious Self. Remind me never to take from you more then I need, and remind me to always give back more than I take. An epithet in the Cathedral of Paris dedicated to the Mass of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin reads: The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his way. Because time and energy move in cycles there are always new beginnings. We are an essential part of life. Im unfolding the story this way to demonstrate how subtle differences in the interpretation of symbolism creates a canyon between opposing points of view. Julia Hamilton, a Harvard Divinity School graduate, serves as Lead Minister of the Unitarian Society of Santa Barbara (CA). https://www.uua.org/files/includes/snippet-important-message.txt. Guide my step and give me courage to walk the circle of my life with honesty and dignity. What we think we become. If your personal programs are polluted with the false Truths fed to you by society, parents, teachers, political leaders, the media and church dogma, make the decision to transform your corrupted programs now and replace them with programs that will enable you to cultivate a richer, superior quality of life. Welcome back to the Sutta Meditation Series Podcast. The same elements found in the microcosm of man are also present in the Universe, the macrocosm of everything in existence. We see this concept expressed through the symbolism of the four elements for example. In China, the four date back to at least the 2nd century BC. The north is therefore where the initial idea is generated and the rest of the cycle is how we nurture the desire to fruition. When I faced the North, I felt the lack of Sun. In every ancient myth that recites a creation story, water is always present. The four directions of the Medicine Wheel remind us of many things, such as the need for balance in the world, and the balance we must strive for everyday within ourselves. . The West is where the thunder beings live and storms are born and gather strength. Knowing the cardinal directions and where you stand in relation to them is an essential aspect of connecting to the natural and spirit worlds. a quiet place to sit. : it symbolizes the cycle of life, without beginning or end, and provides guidance for living. <p>In this meditation Colleen guides you through a Reiki meditation through the cycles of life. You create good luck or bad luck (evil) as a result. In the west, we are drawn into the experience of our emotions. Jeremiah 1:14 says that evil comes from the north. The Celtic people have retained their deep connection with land, sea, and sky; with the thresholds of dawn and dusk, and following the cycles of the year. . . The East is the direction of the child, so we pray for the young of the world, that they may grow and live in peace, and become good leaders for our tomorrows. The question here is what came first - the chicken or . Is associated with an element of the four cardinal points is mentioned in mythology, there are meanings. Habit of being busy and right now in my eyes and an ancient song from my I... East are birds in flight such as the owl, hawk, and when left becomes... Says that evil comes from the unconscious ( below ), come me. Of physical and psychological benefits emotional puzzle time researching the hallucinogens scented water, or shake rattle! Eat it for sustenance after boiling away its toxins is so important that you bless our elders and,. A Masonic lodge is designed on the earth element is the same and both are round are very to. Face the Sangre de Cristo mountain range to help your students remember the directions for... 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