Theses disturbances are accepted as part of the life regeneration cycle of the natural forested landscape. Seven forest communities and 3 wetland types lying on rolling water-laid lowlands broken by bedrock outcrops The following landform types and vegetation associations are found: McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve lies within the Central Gneiss Belt of the Grenville Structural Province. This area was chosen based on representative, genetic, historical and aesthetic values and its potential to help complete Ontarios system of natural protected areas. Regard shall be had for the Test of Compatibility. The following table provides an overview of inventories completed, their level of detail, and any further inventories that are required. No dogs, horses or bikes are allowed here. The site is ecologically linked to Marten River Provincial Park, Marten River Enhanced Management Area (E154r) and the Nipissing Crown Game Preserve. More than 2 km. 1995. Marten 31 L/12. 1986. Find your way around campus using our interactive map Nipissing Campus Map Floor Plans North Bay Campus Main Building Main Building First Floor Main Building Second Floor Main and Uhlig, P.W.C. Examples of light on the land techniques may include limiting the use of heavy equipment or limiting the number of trees felled during fire response efforts. The Ministry, partner organizations and/or proponents may undertake such studies. Staging Area The emphasis will be on ensuring that the natural values of the conservation reserve are not negatively affected by current or future land use activities. Such planning could include public consultation. Road kill is an animal or animals that have been struck and killed by motor vehicles. The section of Highway 11 has a high rate of vehicle-wildlife collisions, primarily with deer. 91745. These connecting corridors help separate or mitigate human activities; in this case the large volume of traffic and the multi-lane, Highway 11-South. A Crown Game Preserve is an officially designated natural area in Ontario, Canada, "primarily for the purpose of sustaining populations of game animals". The rock type is predominantly metamorphic gneiss and the surficial layer is made up of an orthic humo-ferric podzol with a sandy loam to fine sandy loam texture. Hikers can enjoy a warm up walk to the trails (or bike to Turnbull) by parking OUTSIDE of restricted parking areas on this map. Mechanized travel is permitted only on existing trails. Statements of Conservation Interest Suggested Wording for Fire Management Direction, Conservation reserve management direction,, McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve (C159), Northeast Region/North Bay District/Tomiko Area, 410 without forest reserve, 439 with forest reserve, Nipissing First Nation area of interest through the Robinson Huron Treaty, Morris, E. R., 2001, Life Science Checksheet, Aerial Survey, Kristjansson, F.J.,2003, Earth Science Checksheet, Aerial Survey (in progress), First Nations Interviews, 1998 & 2003, Native Background Information Report and Values Maps, related to Forest Management Planning, Vodicka, K., 2003, Recreational Inventory Checklist, Aerial and Ground Survey, Monitor on on-going basis as forest community changes, To identify and describe the values of the conservation reserve, To provide guidelines for the management of current and future activities while protecting natural, social and cultural heritage values, To describe the state of the resource with respect to natural heritage values and current land use activities, To manage the conservation reserve to protect the integrity of its natural values via specific guidelines, strategies and prescriptions, To meet planning requirements by addressing the management intent of the conservation reserve and addressing planning and management needs, To create a public awareness of the values within the conservation reserve and promote responsible stewardship of the protected area through partnerships with local stakeholders, To determine long-term management goals of the conservation reserve by identifying research, client services and marketing strategies, To identify scientific values on the site in relation to provincial benchmarks and identify the necessary monitoring and/or research to maintain the integrity of those values, To provide direction to evaluate new uses or economic ventures through the application of a Test of Compatibility (Procedural Guideline B) - Land Uses - PL. The southwestern portion of the site is made up of marsh wetland with sedges, cattails, Labrador tea, and horsetails (photo 2). The structures work then! Moose, bear, songbirds and small mammals seek shelter in the stands of old growth white pine. The MNR recognizes fire as an essential process fundamental to the ecological integrity of conservation reserves. by | Nov 4, 2020 | Uncategorized | Nov 4, 2020 | Uncategorized Hunting and trapping are traditional recreational and commercial activities that are permitted within the majority of the conservation reserve. Comments received during the Lands for Life process, and during consultation related to boundary regulation of the site were generally supportive of the establishment of this area as a conservation reserve. Partnerships may be pursued to address management needs. If you require information in an alternate format, experience a barrier to inclusion or wish to provide feedback on accessibility at Nipissing University, please contact McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve includes old growth red and white pine forest with additional coniferous and deciduous species (figure 2). The modest representations include mature red maple and oak uplands, young to mature nutrient poor coniferous forest and mature nutrient rich coniferous forest. The conservation reserve is Emphasis will be placed on awareness information highlighting conservation reserve values and appropriate uses. Larger habitats support greater biodiversity, larger populations, and a wider range of food sources and shelter. xExisting dispositions will continue, however, as opportunities arise the Ministry will acquire and/or remove them outside of the conservation reserve. 1998 & 2003. This 2,200 ha natural environment park is located entirely within the Nipissing Crown Game Preserve. This station is accompanied by a gas pipeline that runs the length of the eastern portion of the site (figure 3). McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve was recognized for protection during the Keep It Wild Campaign and Ontarios Living Legacy Land Use Strategy and is now part of the Crown Land Use Policy Atlas. The area is also interspersed with small patented waterfront lots and highway properties (figure 1). Opportunities for prescribed burning to achieve ecological or resource management objectives will be developed with public consultation prior to any prescribed burning, and reflected in the document that provides more management direction for this conservation reserve. Marten Lake. EMR Canada. Crown Game Preserves are managed by the Government of Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. WebSelect Page. Existing recreational uses include observation of the old growth forests, snowmobiling, ATV use, hunting, hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, photography, bird watching, general nature study and potentially picnicking and camping. Approximately five wildlife collisions are reported in this area each year. said Marlo Johnston, Head, Environmental Section, Ministry Transportation Ontario, NE Region. In general, ATV trails will be discouraged. Elm trees have been ravished by Dutch elm disease and few mature trees are left in Ontario. 17250 E. Colima Road, Rowland Heights 91748 In addition, old growth forest contains essential and unique habitat for many species. All research will be carried out in a non-destructive manner. The planning area for this SCI is the final boundary established through internal and public review and consultation. Trail access is on the west side of Colima Road across from Murphy Ranch Little League fields. The site is also in the area of interest of Nipissing First Nation. This type of vegetation is situated along the rocky shorelines of the bay area of the conservation reserve. McLaren Forest Conservation Reserve SCI will be reviewed on an ongoing basis and will include the monitoring of activities to ensure adherence to management guidelines. Understory vegetation includes such species as creeping snowberry, wintergreen, goldthread, blue bead lily, bunchberry, wild sarsaparilla and starflower. WebA Crown Game Preserve is an officially designated natural area in Ontario, Canada, "primarily for the purpose of sustaining populations of game animals". These vectored boundaries give rise to dissected forest communities that tend not to be ecologically self-contained. Moose aquatic feeding areas have been identified at the northeastern portion of the site. There is however a gas pipeline and section of utility line that runs along the main trail of the conservation reserve, parallel to Highway 11. In addition some mature and immature elm has been identified around the conservation reserve, thus there is potential that it may exist within the site. There is also disturbance associated with the pipeline corridor. Absolutely LOVE this place!!! Emphasis will be placed on activities that have a low impact on the environment of the conservation reserve. 804/94) in 2005. An already established major traffic corridor, Highway 11, runs through the center of the site fragmenting much of the habitat. There has been no marketing of this conservation reserve to date. The focus will remain on low key information and self-interpretation of conservation reserve features. 5700 Greenleaf Avenue, Whittier 90601 (address for mapping purposes only) There are (For example, will the new use make an area less remote thereby affecting a local tourism industry that is dependent on the areas remoteness for its appeal? Hills, G. A. The first wildlife underpass was installed on Highway 69 south of Sudbury in conjunction with the provinces first wildlife bridge (overpass), the first of its kind, east of the Rocky Mountains. A Test of Compatibility (Appendix 1) must be passed before they are deemed acceptable. Supercanopy white pines are commonly used by black bears as refuge trees and bedding sites. Where insects or disease threaten significant values, in or adjacent to the site, control will be directed as narrowly as possible to the specific insect or disease.
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