And he shook off the beast into the fire, and felt no harm. A parallel meaning to the Scripture is that we shall also have this same power and invulnerability over Satan and his demons, as he is referred to as the old serpent, the devil. I have the legal right to go up! The blood of Jesus gives you the legal right to go up and just like these men: Moses, Aaron, and John the Revelator, decree, I am a man (mankind) and I can go up too, because I have the legal right to do so!, Activate your faith. I told God I didnt want to go through the Whipple procedure and prayed for the cyst to be reduced in size and to disappear eventually. Kneel on a pillow to avoid physical strain. Without such praying, man only stumbles along and in uncertainty the . There are times of the day when it is easy to speak in tongues and other times when it is hard. This is why God wants you to receive and utilize this powerful grace gift. For instance, you do not know what will happen next week or next year; the hidden traps of the enemy, unforeseen dangers, and unpleasant surprises ahead. Study the Bible to learn what it says about speaking in tongues. P.O. God bless you. can be avoided. 5. Tongues. Now that you have washed in the blood and prayed in tongues, make some decrees. When God created man, He gave him all types of freedom but man lost them to the devil. Now, apart from the river of wisdom, there are many other rivers of power that will impart life to your body or circumstances. Do it everyday then ramp up to 15 minutes. If you are tired of living your Christian life without results then you need this great tool in your hands TODAY. God does not answer all prayers, He only answers those that are in line with His will. Jesus Himself said, And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will . Use your faith and it can happen for you too! The Rosary- All Mysteries. I have a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer in a few places in her body and I have trying to get her to speak in tongues so she can release Jesus power to be healed because she believes that Abba may or may not want to heal her and says to me Well well see what Gods will is. Also, different people operate at their peak at different hours of the day. Therefore tongues is a face to face encounter with God. Afterward, I realized I could not feel any Glory! God has prepared rivers of practical supply to bring healing, life, and provision for all your challenges. (Psalm 103:1) Some people belittle speaking in tongues, calling it the "least of the gifts.". Related: Benefits of a Praying Woman:15 Awesome. Here we are going to focus on the individual believer, and I am going to show you 13 top reasons for praying in tongues which could also be termed praying in the Spirit. The devil is a liar and I know Jesus has healed me! Praying in tongues for hours is easier if you approach it as a conversation with Jesus rather than bubbling unknown words. Enoch was taken up to Heaven by his faith. At one time, I used to pray for hours in the evening. What did you experience? * SUBSCRIBE LINKS: * Hence, we may pray with limited knowledge or understanding about the situation. I did this experiment. I. You need to give God thanks for all that He is to you and everything that He has done for you (See 1 Thessalonians 5:18). The Spirit desires to lead many believers, which is an essential part of His ministry, but many are not able to get His leading because they fail to pray as they should. Praying in Tongues is Praying what God Wants. 31 But earnestly desire the best[a] gifts. Praying in tongues helps you in yielding to the Holy Spirit who dwells in you and not to the unprofitable inclinations of the flesh. Thank You for all the benefits that praying in the Spirit will release in my life. The greatest thing that causes confusion over tongues is not realizing that there are two kinds of speaking in tongues: one that is given to all who desire it and are baptized in His Spirit; the other is a ministry gift mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12:30. It was quite a struggle for me, with my medical background, to maintain my trust in the Lord, for I knew just what microorganisms were rampant especially in foreign lands. 11.Tongues is the entrance into the supernatural. 3. No More Abnormal Mammogram Results After Praying In Tongues, Achieved Excellent Grade for Licensing Exam. Thank you very much for this.. And remember you have to decree with faith.. Embrace it and relish the strength it adds to your spiritual life. This valuable type of prayer is praying in an unknown tongue or praying in the spirit. Dr Bill Hamon thinks tongues activates our 'dunamis' (the power Jesus said his disciples would receive). We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The Visit. Weve learned that water is a picture of the Holy Spirit (John 7:3839), but why a shield of water? To accept click the 'Accept' button. . Not only good for emotion, but praying in tongue also good to help people have better wellness. Moses spoke to God face to face (Exodus 33:11) and when he came down from the mountain his face shone with the glory of God. What Happened When I Prayed in Tongues for 6 Hours. When you pray in the Spirit, you may not know it, but you could be effectively and supernaturally covering your loved ones or your future with Gods protection (while being spared the details that would honestly frighten you). You have established it with your decree. Heed the words of John G Lake when he said, I want to talk with the utmost frankness and say to you, that tongues have been the making of my ministry. According to Thayers Greek Lexicon, the word edifies is translated from the Greek word oikodomeo, which means to build a house, erect a building . Luke 10:17-19. "Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret." (1 Corinthians 14:13) H. Engage your mind in prayer and meditation as you pray in the spirit. And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. It's like a rudder, which turns a whole ship. Have you been blessed by this ministry? You just expected to receive, and started speaking the words and syllables out of your mouth. Just keep at it by spending time praying in tongues daily. And yet I show you a more excellent way. Thank you Katie I am really encouraged to pray in tonguesfor this recent days I have been awakened every morning just after midnight and surprisingly I would be praying in tongues for almost two hours,now I know this is for building up my faith and touching heaven,praise God Hallelujah,amen. Dont discount this powerful gift from God. Thank you Pastor Prince and team JP. When you pray in tongues, you are reminding yourself that God is working in you, for you, and through you. I know a number of believers who are committed to waking up very early in the morning to pray. I would pray in tongues during my quiet time as you taught us to. Have you by any chance seen angels while speaking in tongues? I get this question quite often. Of course, there are always extremists who pervert the Scripture. Then you can be sure you will receive this gift when you ask in His name, for He also said: If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!. His Sorcery is B5 He aotois his two "careficth/"uiice to that anot roIIs 7ctice vs . He does not stop with the salvation message, but goes on to instruct His disciples that they should cast out demons, speak with new tongues, heal the sick, and that nothing would have any power over them, not even poison. Another power-packed reason to pray in tongues is that it reminds us that the Holy Spirit is dwelling inside us every minute of every day. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Luke 11:11-13 gives us that assurance: If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone? And it's Jehovah of Armies who led me to this article - reason #10 is exactly why I've been praying in tongues for 6 hours and will continue until my next breakthrough happens! Mainly for the woman that rely on the endorphin system in creating good thinking and feeling. I will pray with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will also pray [intelligently] with my mind and understanding; I will sing with my spirit [by the Holy Spirit that is within me], but I will sing [intelligently] with my mind and understanding also. If you are praying in tongues and just letting your mind wander, you are not bearing any fruit. praying in tongues for 48 hoursgloversville high school athletics praying in tongues for 48 hours Menu valorant mute chat. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. Romans 8:14. I will open my mouth and speak by faith right now. And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit has been poured out on the Gentiles also. If you really want to be a spiritual person (one who walks in and with the Holy Spirit), you need to cultivate the habit of speaking in tongues daily. 12. Let your spirit keep talking; you have much to say. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Dont be disheartened if it differs from the tongues of other believers or sounds monosyllabic at first. Jesus was in great distress at that time. Related: Good Night Prayers: 20 Captivating. I too am believing in zero problems in my upcoming breast ultrasound and mammogram! Faith is a gift from Holy Spirit, so ask for that gift! Here our Lords words tell us that we are to take the gospel to every creature that they might believe, be saved, and be baptized. Jesus proclaimed several things that would happen to those who followed Him and continued His work. Are you feeling troubled, uncertain, or anxious today? If you want to pray in tongues for hours, you need first to allocate hours to speaking in tongues. Then, for 15 minutes, I prayed in the Spirit intelligently by keeping my mind focused on the worship or on Jesus. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. When you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit Himself teaches you all things. I do these sessions to help other believers pray in tongues for long. Beloved, what do you do when you have a need? He said these signs would follow them that believe. He did not say just the apostles would do these things, but all who were believers. It's December 10, 2022. If you are not physically fit, you will get tired along the way. There are times of the day when it is easy to speak in tongues and other times when it is hard. Please continue to consult your doctor about your condition and dont throw away your medication or disregard any professional medical advice or diagnosis. You cant be occupied all through the day and hope to pray for long. This is a wonderful blessing, particularly when we do not know exactly how to pray about a situation. Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? This is why if you want to pray in tongues for long, you have to manage your energy levels well. We're directing our souls to bless the Lord. Hi David! While the 120 believers prayed in the upper room of a house, the Holy Spirit came in power and enabled people to speak in such a way that the audience who listened to them could understand their teaching in each of their languages. He builds himself up! Discipline will help you stick to it for long. The reason why everyone who has ever been baptized with the Holy Spirit initially speaks in tongues, is because it is the prayer language. We only have to understand our situation. 2. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The environment was great for praying and I loved it! RelatedTopics: What the Bible Says about Prayer; Scriptural Prayer for Tongues; Intercessory Prayer; Praying the Scriptures; Faith; Gift of the HolySpirit; Travailing Prayer; Fasting; Praising God in All Circumstances, Click here for a listing of all Topics covered in our Bible Answer Page, Pingback: The Biblical Time of Sorrows | AtlantisNet Campaign Portal. So, before you go up, you can begin by decreeing that you have the legal right to go up. I enrolled in Grace Academy. 1-48 of 190 results for "praying in tongues" RESULTS. It cannot be studied, learned, or written in any college or university because it is not a natural language. 8:2627 NLT). Be empowered by the Holy ghost as you pray in tongues for minimum of one hour daily. Speaking in tongues stirs up your spirit and gets you ready to go - it is like taking vitamins. Enjoy 374 selections of the best Inspirational Audio Bible Verses from the King James Version Bible. The more you pray in tongues, the stronger and more rugged your spirit becomes. Hallelujah! If that is you, take heart and know that Gods heart first and foremost is to see you happy, healthy, and whole! The deeper you know God, the easier it will be for you to speak in tongues for long hours. 12:11) and it has pleased the Holy Spirit not to give to this 80-85%. Anytime you pray in unknown tongues, you expand the capacity of your spirit. This account is recorded in Mark 16:15-20,And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Praying in the Spirit helps you deal with all these things, removing them from the way (See Ephesians 5:16). According to 48 Hills online publication, SRO Martha Stewart said the homeless Black woman known as "Q" who was water-hosed was "taken away" on a "5150," an involuntary mental hold, where a psychiatrist can hold somebody in the hospital for 72 hours and forcibly medicate them with powerful psychotropic drugs if they are "deemed . I continued to pray in tongues as I waited for the medical report. And doesnt this tell us that as we pray in tongues, we can rebuild or repair our bodies broken down by age, stress, or disease? After praying in tongues, other doors open, literally making a way where there seems to be no way. Mixing other activities with praying in tongues lowers your focus and dilutes the power of your tongues. . If so, consider Partnering with us or making a One Time Gift! It is like your GPS guiding you to your destination. A typical example would be the mantra in Transcendental Meditation. Tongues is your access to the glory of God. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. As you may have guessed Im extremely enthusiastic about prayer. To magnify something means to make it greater and bigger, to increase its significance. But you, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Jude 1:20. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. Acts 2:4. Marty Grisham teaches and demonstrates all you ever wanted to know about praying in tongues. And I know one day, when God is ready for me, I will get to join mama, daddy, and many other loved ones gone on before! 7. Then start and continue to set time for praying in tongues daily. The pressures and hassles of daily life do weaken the spirit but thank God for this precious gift. To view titles or purchase those books visit our bookstore. You must walk in it. Thank you very much! The great gift then given to each one baptized is to aid them and enable to to pray and walk on in total understanding and victory. We believe that this is possible! Lift up your hands to Him and say this with me: Heavenly Father, I am confident that You will give me the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the ability to speak in tongues. It makes the life of Christ within you increase greatly. Since God is mysterious, the only way we can know Him is through Jesus. I do it until I feel better. Read this message before you proceed Spiritual freedom is the highest form of freedom and it only comes when you speak in tongues. Am looking forward to speaking in tongues more often since now I know the benefits. So the very first article I just read will, I pray, be the exact words she needs to hear so she will not be afraid to start speaking in tongues and then get that life changing unction from the Holy One and know beyond a shadow of a doubt our Father in heaven wants her healed and has always wanted her healed. He knows exactly what the problem is and exactly what you need. And he who searches our hearts knows . One evening in the January of 1745, the critical year of Fontenoy and of the great Jacobite rising, a middle-aged gentleman, the private secretary of a Secretary of State, was working as usual in the room of a house in Cleveland Row. Houston, TX, or your country if outside USA. 14:18). All right, now release your heavenly language by faith. The ministry of the Holy Spirit has a lot of heavens blessings for the Church. This would require 62 churches to be involved for a true "Double Portion" 24 hour prayer coverage. Illumination of Conscience. Praying in the Spirit makes God bigger in your life! Topic:What the Bible Says about Tongues He is able to plead for you in harmony with Gods will and cause everything to work together for good in every area of your life (Rom. As we engage the spirit man to pray, he grows. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The individual gift of tongues is indeed a priceless key that unlocks many of the doors that hinder our walk with the Lord. So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. But just like other good practices, it has a price tag. If you have made Jesus your Lord and Savior, rest assured you qualify for this gift. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The mystery of praying in tongues is that God designed it to be a supernatural language. I am convinced that there is much antagonism directed at this gift because of the incredible power it releases into our lives. Then the next day you do more. amen. The full rest time is four hours per lost die. Sometimes when you pray in tongues or speak in tongue, you can move into a quality where He is speaking through you. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. "I came home this evening and I was so shocked. Praying for the sick in tongues is parallel to what Paul is teaching: .The Spirit helps us in our weakness. Blessings to all. Because that is how we quench all the fiery darts of the enemy (Eph. We Pray also For God Divine Healing, Deliverance, Divine Breakthroughs, Divine intervention in their circumstances, Divine Encounters with God, Most importantly for their Salvation and that of their loved ones in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.. AmenPlease:* LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT.#PastorChrislive #Tonguesoffire #Midnightprayers #Nigeriatoppastors #RevChrisOyakhilome #Christembassy #Loveworldtv They're publishing my book. When you pray in tongues privately, the words you speak publicly will carry the power of God. You shall experience testimonies l. It is a confirmation that He is with us when we have these signs evident in our lives. Often, when we have a problem, we may not know everything about it or how to resolve it. Ive done this for years. To God be all the glory, Thank you Pastor Prince for the magazine. This helped to strengthen my faith and remove negative thoughts. If you want to speak in tongues for long hours, do it with other believers. Thank you so much Cheryl. Speaking in tongues is very powerful & productive gift! Life is such a mystery that there are many things that are unknown to the natural mind. We gratefully receive donations to fund the sharing of the gospel through this site. Having emerged in the 1st century, it is named after the Arab people; the term "Arab" was initially used to describe those living in the Arabian Peninsula, as perceived by geographers from ancient Greece. 6pm - 7pm. Bless you for putting all of Digital Magazines together for us! It does not store any personal data. I also run a YouTube channel for this blog where you can find live speaking in tongues sessions and videos based on these articles. When you pray in tongues, it is your spirit man that prays and not your mind. Throughout Chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians Paul encourages us to pray in tongues, and pray with our understanding. You can go from faith to faith, walking boldly in the promise that no weapon formed against you or your loved ones shall prosper (Isa. 54:17)! You are fortifying your inner man. Hi Laurie, Had a similar experience in 2009. From Kuala Lumpur, take the North-South highway and exit either at Tapah or Gopeng. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Thus, we have some occult groups today who actually handle poisonous serpents in their rituals. It would be great if we had two different churches praying for 24 hours on the same day for each entire month. When you fail to get some of the breakthroughs you pray for, you will be frustrated. I usually record sessions of speaking in tongues on YouTube. 6:16). If you are dealing with a health challenge today, we are believing with you for your breakthrough. The truth is, however, that it is necessary to possess both. Prayer in tongues is meant to be an edification process, and personally when I began a huge release of sin and iniquity left me. be blessed pastor Joseph prince and the whole team. Speaking in tongues is also an essential part of the believer's devotional prayer life. When you're strong in your spirit, it becomes very difficult for the devil to manipulate you. To hear her tender voice as then! YOU ARE LOVED AND GREATLY APPRECIATED!! This is the first function of tongues. The more hopeless I feel about life, the deeper I launch into speaking in tongues. Donate. 1. God takes care of the whole package. Mostly it was from 5 pm to 8 pm. 4.8 out of 5 stars 85. Tongues is a language the Holy Spirit puts inside us to express to God everything we are unable to put into words because of our human limitations. Jude 1:2021 encourages us to pray in tongues because it builds us up on our most holy faith and keeps us in the love of God. Speaking in tongues is one of those gifts, and it allows Jesus followers to stand against the work of the enemy. That is why the devil tries so hard to keep people from asking for it. It had shrunk by half in two months! It is a blessing to me. The Lord knows every test, trial or attack that is coming up, and desires to see us prepared to meet and overcome it by implementing this valuable tool of praying in tongues. Speaking in tongues is also given to build us up. I quit college just to speak in tongues. Do you believe in Jesus? You see, the Scriptures tell us that the flesh lusts against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary to one another. Galatians 5:17. If you prefer standing, then stand. Our story began when Ch and Sue Ahn arrived in Pasadena from Maryland in 1984 and planted . Praying in the Spirit helps you to pray Gods plan for you into tangible reality, helping you to birth all your God-given dreams. We & # x27 ; s like a rudder, which turns a whole.! The & quot ; Double Portion & quot ; praying in tongues be studied learned... Gospel through this site are in line with his will easy to in. Access information on a device doctor about your condition and dont throw away your or. Good practices, it is hard for 48 hours Menu valorant mute chat at this gift because of gifts.. Laurie, Had a similar experience in 2009 it to be a unique identifier stored in a.. 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