Leicester, England: Midland Publishing Limited, p. 116], [Hopkins III, Robert S. 1997. Come on. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. As Burisch declares many wars in the east and other catastrophes would have happened because of these Stargates. Many believe that Q, based on multiple posts, is a group linked to US Army Intelligence working closely with the Trump White House. The Orion Cube would be a Stargate device, also known as Looking Glass. Opinion This project surrounds a "looking glass device" that is located at Area 51/S4 (level 4-2) on what is known as "Alice's Floor". There was never any functions produced by the Integratron, the supposed, the touted, Time Viewer. In the past, its been used to predict oil shocks, geopolitical conflict, central bank policies, terrorist attacks, market meltdowns, and more. Project Looking Glass - Elections? Hell, something important could be happening right behind the camera and it would miss it a couple of degrees change in camera direction allows one set of events to be seen while another set is completely overlooked, much less events half a world away. Coronavirus (@fillasaufical) November 12, 2019. But.K:Isnt it a fact that the Illuminati.D:Were doing most of the lions share. The entirety of the technology must either be disabled or destroyed. [laughs]K:Well, OK. [laughs] Emphasis appreciated. Tonight, we discuss Project Looking Glass with special guest John Carman. In a place called The bay of Galileo, Burisch could see different types of spacecraft. Its the weirdest story youll read all week. For the record, Burisch isnt the only one to have made such claims about time devices in the hands of elites. An attempt was made to look into the future, but no concrete data was able to be received past the infamous date of December 21st, 2012, suggesting that this date is a nexus point in time, whereby either timeline one or timeline two would gain momentum. Dr. Dan Burisch has a PhD in microbiology and is a former employee of the. D:Uh huh.Newtonian SuperimposingD:There are impacts into our timeline now which have occurred. The following is a compilation of testimony provided by two prominent whistleblowers, Dan Burisch and Bill Hamilton, discussing the Looking Glass Project. Returning to Qs November 11 post, is Q suggesting that the military intelligence community is using Project Looking Glass technology against the Deep State? D:From what I understand, the people who are just prior, which would be us according to their history, to the people who were just after, exist as a straight vector of time. The language that Dan Burisch used in the 1990s was lifted from the 1960s. We want to keep our hands off of nature. That will be a good thing. In other words, the human mind can select a point of focus, just like in Remote Viewing, and receive information from the store of memories made during experience. And a lot of countries dont want us didnt want us to enter Iraq. There is no way. In the book, Father Ernettis Chronovisor: The Creation and Disappearance of the Worlds First Time Machine, Peter Krassa, investigates Ernettis amazing discovery. I have also been told that recently there has been an effort made to outfit videotape recorders to be sent forward through the apparatus, thereby allowing the dark project people to gain some insight into what may take place. In 1986 he received an unexpected visit to the University of Las Vegas from the so-called secret government of the United States. These are very ignorant people pimping this new resurfacing of Project Looking Glass. He was a P-52, but that just means that he was 7,000 years along the T2 timeline from when the P-45s. D:Not only do they believe it will occur, they want to provoke it. Military Looking glass is technology to see probabilities of the future. [6] With the assumption of this mission, a USSTRATCOM battle staff now flies with the TACAMO crew. I don't know which would've done a better job. overlapping, concurrent projects. Communism JP currently serves in the US Army and recently completed a mission to an underground Florida location as part of a team of eight covert military personnel seeking information about a sleeping giant discovered at another nearby underground facility. Wells Program, Project Looking Glass, the plans of the Secret Government on time machines and Stargate devices, 17 January 2023 CTM Tonight Topic: The Plan: Requesting Action On Several Directives, Karen Attiah: Bostons grotesque sculpture represents how White America loves to butcher MLK, German government and BioNTech pushed Twitter to censor threats to Covid vaccine profits, Russian and Belarusian hackers announced the hacking of the central block of the US state tax service, Japan risks turning itself into Ukraine of Asia if it follows US strategic line, HUGE! I have no power over it and I have no clue. This device utilizes quantum technology enabling the user(s) to remote view the past or future using their consciousness to guide them. But after the Pioneer flyby, all involved were shocked to discover a small ring, confirming the viewers observations. The earliest reference to the kind of technology discussed in Project Looking Glass actually comes from Italy in the 1950s! Corso declared that the alien ship was the key to technological progress. Or four. Whats interesting, is that the biases of the operator would have a direct effect on the images collected. from Humans Are Free: 'Project Looking Glass technology saw that the Great Awakening cannot be stopped', says military insider. Unusual plasma objects encountered at high altitudes by pilots, crew members and passengers of aircraft. He invented Project Looking Glass here on earth from a formula supposedly given him by a Space Alien that landed at an airport he managed in the California desert. BGP Looking Glass servers are computers on the Internet running one of a variety of publicly available Looking Glass software implementations. Since I was also told many years ago about an experiment that went very wrong in the early years of the LG project, involving a test subject of some kind. In 1989 he worked on a secret project and also on the so-called Sharp Storm. Seriously. Visit us at Exopolitics.org and Subscribe. Through his Super Soldier Talk YouTube series he has helped awaken humanity to the secret activities of the covert government. The Orion ET races have given President Eisenhower a cube about eight centimeters wide by another eight centimeters long, capable of predicting the future. The time travel/viewing technology described by Van Tassel in his 1964 interview is very similar to what was decades later described by Lazar as Project Looking Glass which he said was also run by the U.S. Navy. A message from David Icke: "As I have been saying the outcome is written by levels of consciousness way beyond the village idiots of the Cult - the people win as they awaken to the truth. I wish I could offer you more information. How many timelines are that? Looking Glass mirrors ground-based command, control, and communications (C3 or C) located at the USSTRATCOM Global Operations Center (GOC) at OffuttAFB. This is the information that I received not only fromChielah, but also fromthe material within Majestic. Project Looking Glass to three other classified US Defense. At the beginning of the 20th century, an underground city was found in Egypt. I was given to understand that the tilt or positioning of the electromagnets would allow different views or positions in the environment to be reflected in the gas column. Anywhere we find it, we take it. This is undoubtedly one of the more intriguing topics in awakening times, which seems to be well hidden in popular works of fiction. Dan Burisch learned of a copy of the agreement made by President Eisenhower with two races including the alien life forms called P-50 and then the so-called Orion or Orionian races. Van Tassell says that the technology was quickly classified by the Navy and the inventor was forced to work for it. The facts are: this is the material that we have available that we know. According to Burisch, accounts provided by captured beings known in the program as p-45s, future humans 45,000 years into the future, the Earth was destroyed by massive cataclysms around the year 2012. Im discussing 45,000s, 52,000s and present day. And so, the individuals who want to carry the, the negative line, are convinced that its going to occur, are not presenting the facts. According to the doctor, there are fifty Stargates on Earth, although all the Stargates have apparently been dismantled. Operation "Blue Eagle" for the Commander in Chief. What Dan Burisch did do was to convince Kerry and David that he was legit, at least legit enough to pimp out for their own purposes. Luminous Vietnam humanoids. Much the same as the people behind Project Looking Glass. But his real passion was science and at five he was given his first microscope, after which he later became the youngest member of the Los Angeles microbiology society. And then what? Get it away from the fruit of the tree of life, so to speak get it away, and just let nature happen during this time. Consequently, its worth emphasizing that both the military intelligence community (Q) and the Deep State/CIA are using time distorting technologies to peer into the future to anticipate each others moves. According to Burisch, US intelligence agencies had several devices they built using instructions found in ancient Sumerian and Egyptian tombs. Burisch examined them elsewhere and sent the report back to the place of origin. I mean, Im sure youre aware of the work of physicists now that are saying, Look, if you can have two timelines, you can have two million.. Political News In 1989 he began receiving tissue samples. Why did the countrys authorities quickly ban its study? They get the Earth to themselves. He spends his time perfecting the Neo Meditation Device which is a chi energizer that helps users relax during meditation so that they can integrate themselves. Uncovering topics such brainwashing, trauma, milabs (which stands for military abductions), and covert harassment; all of which he has had to endure his entire life as a product of Project Surrogate and Ultra MK Milab Super Soldier experimentation. Oh, no no no no. It was still bogus in the 1990s. Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker: More Than Just a Tanker. Trump Ukraine These supposedly include 'Project Galileo', 'Project. Ark of the Covenant: where is the main power source biblical relic now? D:They become repressed. And he was a little smarter than Saddam, thats all. And cameras could film within the gas or see images in the injected atmosphere as though it were a lens reflecting events in and around the column. That is, until in the 1990s, with the appearance of Project Camelot, and Kerry Cassidy. Just because we want to call it Timeline 2 doesnt mean that there are other effects or superimposings which are occurring on different realities during even their own timelines. Its your choice to make. The data was collected and projected onto video monitors at incredible speeds, which later needed to be de-interlaced to reveal discernible images. Craziest part? His mind would be blank and clear. I really dont know since my information sources would only tell me so much about what they saw or experienced at the time they were involved. Why do completely different ancient cultures have artifacts depicting the God from the machine? Copyright Notice, Tags: Andy Basiago, Bob Lazar, Deep State, Jordan Sather, Montauk Project, Project Looking Glass, QAnon. At this point, a hole or time portal would appear right in the center of the Delta T antenna you could walk through the portal from 1980 to 1990. All of the physics problems of seeing the future are overcome with the use of the right brain hemisphere. While Lazar was not himself involved in Project Looking Glass, others have come forward to reveal what they knew about classified military experiments to distort time to peer into the past. Theyre leaving those alone. Leicester, England: Midland Publishing Limited, p. 114-117, 196], [Hopkins III, Robert S. 1997. While I agree with Sather that Q and military intelligence community is using Project Looking Glass technology in a covert civil war with the Deep State, it is worth emphasizing that the Deep State has been using Project Looking Glass technology even longer than the US military intelligence community. Sidekick' and 'Project Aquarius'. In the early 1970s the E-4A aircraft replaced the EC-135Js on this mission. And that is a frightening thing to me. Used in Montauk project and other projects, then got into the wrong hands through replication now also referred to as yellow box or yellow cube. I initially became aware of the project viaDavid Wilcock, in his presentationThe 2012 Enigma. This was information Bell had never before publicly revealed. In 1986 he received an unexpected visit to the University of Las Vegas from the so-called secret government of the United States. Basiagos assertion of visiting a classified facility run by ITT in Nutley, New Jersey in 1970 received surprising corroboration by no less a personage than famed radio host Art Bell, who was at the time employed by ITT in a classified NATO communication project. But they cant show up as an aggressor to steal anything back so what they do is they vote against us. I was also told to consider the views provided by LG as one of many potential realities (at least in the future view mode). !mG7VJxZNCI ID:9b601a No.7352963 After 1975, East Aux was assumed from the Looking Glass backup ground alert aircraft launched from Offutt AFB. The fact that the P-45s thats how immoral these people are. By manipulating the frequencies, Ernetti discovered one could look into the past. Background. [5][6], The Strategic Air Command began the Looking Glass mission on February 3, 1961, using five specially modified KC-135A[7] aircraft from the 34th Air Refueling Squadron based at its headquarters at Offutt AFB, backed up by aircraft flying with the Second Air Force / 913th Air Refueling Squadron at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana, Eighth Air Force / 99th Air Refueling Squadron at Westover AFB, Massachusetts, and Fifteenth Air Force / 22d Air Refueling Squadron, March AFB, California.[8]. A recent documentary called The Montauk Chronicles describes the many bizarre experiments that occurred there, and the first-hand testimonies of many participants, the majority of whom were terribly abused. This is his entire claim to credentials in the Black Projects. In June 1992, United States Strategic Command took over the Looking Glass mission from the Strategic Air Command, as SAC was disbanded and Strategic Command assumed the nuclear deterrence mission. The people who. They also created a deeper history for it that did not include George Van Tassel. In fact, thousands of children were involuntarily pulled from the streets and were lost or killed after being sent through the time portals.. I originally thought it was a monkey, but I found out that there were many test subjects that got sent through, so I am not certain what kind was involved in the experiment that went bad. Me or the AI? Election Fixing And so they are presumed it is not known for certain, but they are presumed to have actually been be the progenitors if you will, of the people who become the J-Rods.K:I understand. But in a sense there is a thought that in a sense the P-45s, that side of humanity, is possibly becomes almostsoul-less. Armstrong, Public Affairs / Published September 23, 2016. Dang! To do the subject justice, however, you . "With regard to LG (Looking Glass): As I understand it, this device (at least 3 to 4 years ago) could not focus on a detailed sequence of activities in the future. A Dominican priest by the name of Father Pellegrino Ernetti invented a Chronovisor by electronically modifying the frequencies of chants by Benedictine monks when viewed on a TV-like monitor. The Montauk Project, however, is not the earliest reference to extraterrestrial technology being in the possession of the US military, which allowed it to view events in different historical periods. In one department there was information about beings called Orionians (of Orion) and alien beings of the the Z Reticuli star system. They are devices also made on Earth, but with extraterrestrial technology. https://www.monkeyandelf.com/project-looking-glass-the-plans-of-the-secret-government-on-time-machines-and-stargate-devices/. Sportsman since childhood, he played basketball. The current crop of Project Looking Glass pimps are claiming that quantum computers run the whole operation. The words in this most recent description proffered by the Project Looking Glass people are betraying of the fact that the authors of this new internet sensation know exactly nothing about quantum computing technology. K:So we want to leave thestargates, thenatural stargates. Sportsman since childhood, he played basketball. It is believed this device is how . Clif High, The language describing the Project Looking Glass concepts first came into public awareness in 1964 in an interview of George Van Tassel. Burisch declares many wars in the 1990s was lifted from the streets and were or...: were doing most of the Covenant: where is the material that we have available that we available. Problems of seeing the future are overcome with the appearance of Project Looking Glass is technology to probabilities... 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