AMA. Thanks for an honest perspective which does not offer more than can be proven. There are great books written by the likes of Brennan Manning on trusting God and there are great books written on eschatology (Jurgen Moltmann, N. T. Wright, etc) about Gods salvation extending from the ends of the earth. Olof Pedersn is Professor emeritus in Assyriology is studying at the University of Uppsala. Im more so now in my life in the former group of people. Mysticsare . Evidence presented to our reasoning faculties is one way of knowing, not the only way, which is obvious. None the less, I believe in Democracy and think Iron Man is awesome. If we raise it all today (or tomorrow or Wednesday tbh) we're going to make. Peter Enns (Ph.D., Harvard University) is Abram S. Clemens professor of biblical studies at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. However, there are many Christians in our country who also want to enforce solely biblical beliefs here too. I have been following your story since the Westminster brouhaha (and enjoyed and endorsed your books to others online) but I dont recall reading your whole story from your youth, which I am sure would be interesting, probably some overlap with Randal Rausers and my own Evangelical Christian youth. Even Yale was founded by some conservative ministers displeased at the growing moderation, liberalism and theological excesses as they say it, happening at Havard. Their work involves moving from the phenomenon through the perceptual equipment to the physical biology that makes subjective states objectively real. It is based on direct and personal encounter. . In these chapters God fashions "the man" (ha adam) from earth (adamah), breathes life into his nostrils, and makes him a caretaker . And there seems to be a bit of a one-way mirror phenomenon going on. As for your books title, The Sin of Certainty, you seem pretty certain that sin exists, though I suspect humans dont really need thatll added theological term since it seems more like a metaphor for any selfish behavior people of all religions or none already view in a negative fashion. Or at least you have come near enough to listen and understand much of what Frank has to say. Were two thousand years in. I think if Christianity, as a whole, doesnt soon reconcile itself among its adherents and with its founders teachings, it will soon (if not already there) be down an irreversible trajectory of being part of the problem rather than part of the solution in the inevitable redemption of the cosmos. 800 spiritually empty words. attestations that Lincoln composed the Gettysburg Address. By some measure, through Jesus of Nazareth and the ensuing religion of Christianity, a longing has been fulfilled; there has been great participation. In fact, there are now around two billion adherents to the faith. Peter Eric Enns (born January 2, 1961) is an American Biblical scholar and theologian. Perhaps the thing that could hold rationality, mysticism, intuition, etc all together is love- as a way of knowing. Are you willing to also consider; Hindu scriptures, Muslim scriptures, Buddhist, scriptures, Taoists scriptures, etc? He was after all, our first RC President. Here are a couple ways: 1) Do they insist on making incorrect statements about the world as-is? But if he gets a response in morse, he doesnt need to empirically see whats on the other side to begin the process of knowing the other side. It certainly seems that way as we compare the experiences of people across faiths. This is the third post in a series on how God speaks to us in Scripture, following a discussion on what the early church fathers believed about how that process happened and Kenton Sparks' adoptionist proposal of a sacred "broken" Bible.. Combining sophisticated quantitative analysis and compelling case studies, Hijacking the Agenda sets a new standard for research on inequality and American democracyand sounds a loud warning that all scholars and citizens should hear." JACOB HACKER, Stanley Resor Professor of Political Science, Yale University Incarceration Nation Why do I believe in God? And we do this not by relying on our experiences at the subjective level as some private matter , but we take what can be shared about that subjective experience and put it on the table for all to look at and compare. I suspect that leaving the Westminster cocoon could be unsettling, but you are still ensconced cozily in the moderate to liberal Christian cocoon. Twelve years later, Old Testament scholar Peter Enns has confirmed my suspicions, . There are multitudes of examples of God giving evidence to his people so they might believe, or trust him. But let us then continue this comparison to Buddhism. Tweets at @peteenns. Find it on Amazon: it at CBD: Enns discusses the inerrancy of the Bible as an often contentious topic. But when you reach the point where there is little to differentiate between different encounters or transcendent perceptions yielding incompatible truth claims, then you are not just dealing with a measure of uncertainty to be tolerated, but rather a total lack of confidence in whether what you believe corresponds to actual reality. If He was visible to the eye, and perceivable to the senses, He would have resembled the things that are visible and perceivable to the senses on account of their being compound and created and in that case He would no longer have remained a creator. We go crazy in solitary confinement, when stranded on an island, when lost in the wilderness solo. Perhaps less than that, I would be more arrogant, less loving, poorer, and have no progeny. I tend to experience *both* God and people in the manner described. Something that transcends your petty thoughts as to self, or day to day concerns, and fills you with so much love and gratitude and beauty that if feels your heart will burst. Which then opens up the question of what reality it what knowing we are engaged in. Honestly and looking ahead, my mind is more centered on the significance of the sixth extinction, climate change, the forth-coming dissipation of petroleum energy, a huge human population, limited supply of fresh water for all, and need for compassion for and collaboration with others to existentially address all this. Wonder of breathing and wonder of stars and wonder of babies are indeed wonders. I only presume that peoples experiences of God are a mixed bag that lay along a very wide spectrum. Your explanation, though a bit slippery to grab with my hands, is similar to some of my conclusions, though none have given me their answer. . Catholics see Angels, Mary and Jesus, Protestants usually just see Angels and Jesus, and one Protestant apparently saw a talking Bible in his NDE, while another claims to have been to heaven dozens of times and seen images from everything In Revelation, and Mormons have their own NDE bulletin, Betty Eade had a bestseller about meeting a Mormon Jesus who was not God, universalist NDEs, then there are Hindu and Buddhist visions and NDEs, like seeing a talking Buddhist turtle god, while native Americans have totem animal visions, and New Agers and some other folks claims to have seen Angels, UFOs, aliens of different species. Academically, I graduated from Messiah College in 1982 (Behavior Science), WTS in 1989 (MDiv), and Harvard University in 1994 (PhD, Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations). not be confused with experience. He has written widely on hermeneutics, Christianity and science, historicity of the Bible, and Old Testament interpretation. defying compelling verbal expression Pete: I much prefer your brand of Christianity to others, and the world would be a better place if more people thought like you. What about more recent writings such as the Gettysburg Address? 254). Ive spent a lot of time thinking about subjectivity, hermeneutics, revelation, and Jesus as mediator (in the sense that Jesus is the medium through which God is known does the Spirit now occupy that space? With all due respect my guess is you dont really engage with non-believers in person? Open your eyes to what there is to see, or let Jesus open them for you (Mark 8, by daubing mud) and I theres not that much problem. Of course, it helps that I have absolutely no expectations of him whatsoever. It sounds like you are on that path. Or Osama bin Ladin or Warren Jeffs for that matter. When asked, do you believe God exists?, I cant help but response with, what do you mean by God?'. This sort of knowing is beyond reason, but it is not irrational. God means many different things to people. Youve concisely and clearly explained the way I understand my faith and conviction in the existence of God. Universalism is the belief that everyone eventually will be saved. Thank you Joseph. . (Ive blogged on Benner several times, for examplehere. How do you know more of what God prefers more than Franklin Graham or Mennonites? Scientists tend to understand everything through the lens of our basic five senses which reside in our body and soul. But what we can do is employ language to describe those deep experiences in a way to see if we are alone in them or if there are other people who in the way they respond hint at having had the same shared experience as us. Roman Catholics and conservative Protestants have much in common and face common enemies in terms of secular humanism and all of the other anti-Christian hate groups and religions of the world. R'eyes via Compfight Peter Enns is the master at creating blog titles that are both clever and provocative. Pete is a well-known bible scholar and is the Abram S. Clemens professor of Bible Studies at Eastern University in Pennsylvania. No- before the 70s it was safe for white little girls and boys to walk down the street correct yourself- thee was never a time in any country where there was absolute peace- even in the Bible. Id rather live today in the western world than at any other time in human history. Bringing people together seems easier when their differences are not discussed. We also know how it may be tricked to produce the illusion of say motion or scale that is not really there. This implies that Joker3857 believes that one cannot be a christian if they think the bible to have errors. But by putting these experiences on the table and sharing them, we can say some objective things about them. But how is it that you still believe in God? And now my 800 words are up. Which does seem not tranrational but rather irrational. In fact, if comparisons between spiritual experience seem to demonstrate anything, it is that perhaps the only objectively true thing we can say about it is that it is a very unreliable means of experience vulnerable to various illusions of reality. For the Tibettan Buddhidist, they may experience a vision of the peaceful and wrathful deities. And two, what does exist mean? If this is my basis, Im as comfortable (maybe more comfortable) with a Great Spirit of native Americans as I am with a YHWH of Israel. And I also can grok the paradoxical Essence of a Triune God, the kind of God allowing himself to be humbled and broken in kenotic sacrifice as an example of a new Way of Being, in hope of bringing forth a Kingdom. What of our spiritual experiences then? straight into the night our hearts were flung Thoughts? I get your post. Id take the liberty of summarizing that your belief in God, to the extent you do, is based on faith, not fact. Why? Just trust in Him. That said, I can see the contemplative Hindu or Buddhist saying the exact same thing. So I would never presume to tell someone like Pete or the Dali Lama that their experiences are not in their subjective sense real. Only that any confidence they glean from those experiences to then conclude what they believe they encountered they actually in fact have, well, that I would claim is highly suspect and demonstrably so. The moronic Magic-Man-Fantasy was the human races greatest mistake. One atheist and evolutionist, Dr. Jerry Coyne, believes very strongly that evolution and Christianity are not at all compatible. At the same time, I was taking philosophy and religion courses and was drawn to finding ways to explain my ongoing relationship/wrestling match with God-Jesus-Spirit. Given all this and more, my personal choice is simply to continue to acknowledge Gods blessings upon my life and therefore acknowledge God. As I see it, knowledge ofGod accesses different ways of knowing. Now I understand that that rational certainty is a gift from God, but would you say that 1 John 5:13 is false or irrational or not to be trusted? As an admittedly poor psychology major in college, I was particularly fascinated with neurology and how humans process and interpret information/stimuli. Talk of a vibrant Christian faith seems overblown. One of the things I wonder is how these two general groups not talk past each other. As is our deference in religious spheres to authorities revelations. If so, they can be dismissed with their faulty foundations, but offered opportunity to reconsider their understandings and emphases to get back in the race. This is historically what the Church has always taught. the way is the path of becoming a new person because one is allowing God to lead you in a sense. I also suspect that you and Frank probably share many criticisms of your more conservative Christian pasts. And if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out. You can hold your views and that is simply fine (I respect them) but just because you cannot see the reasons for people maintaining a doubting christian faith does not mean you are right and everyone else should take a step further and doubt the whole thing That is an over simplification of the complexity of the christian faith. M.Div. " To love as God loves means loving not just others like us, but those who are not. I also visited Westminster Seminary in my early 20s and purchased some books in the store there, caught a glimpse of Cornelius Van Til, and later I exchanged emails with Paul Seely on biblical cosmology, a WTS graduate. They long to know Gods love andthereby to be filled with the very fullness of God[Ephesians 3:17-19]. It is vitally important that we respond with a yes when He calls, and this is why humility is sooo important. We dont know how to break down the ideologies of our false identities or how to welcome others with conflicting ideologies or identities. You will know whom I mean, Atheism may be comparatively popular with God himself, When a pious visitor inquired sweetly, Henry, have you made your peace with God? he replied, We have never quarreled., Henry David Thoreau as quoted in Henry David Thoreau: What Manner of Man? Such soon discover that He is indeed a God Who communicates and is very capable of laying out a clear path for us to follow. Graciousness to Americans and more? Speaking of each breath, the sustaining of human consciousness seems to rely on the humble oxygen molecule. I have written on Peter Enns before on our blog (see the link in the analysis to Evans' book) but seeing his name again led me to look up Enns and I found he wrote a recent piece on his blog titled "How Can I Trust the Bible . And the one thing that every single wisdom tradition or religious group teaches is the way. . He is the podcast host of The Bible for Normal People. Human faculties of conception, perception and learning, and attributes of volition, intuition and apprehension cannot catch sight of His Person or fathom the extent of His Might and Glory. Im pretty sure it looks like what we are doing on here (if our intentions are purely to seek and accept). Thank you Joseph. I think there is a model there where the subjective, but real experience of God is the starting point for understanding the perceptual equipment, which will help us to acknowledge the existence of a real Being that makes the subjective states or experiences real. That is a blessing from God. With the exact same merit. And this is the connection to mysticism. But the Bible is not an instruction manual or rule book but a powerful learning tool that nurtures our spiritual growth, argues Bible scholar Peter Enns. Or the mega church movement, to try and get and sustain even a greater Jesus high. Peter Enns Quotes. Folks could believe, and demonstrate how what they believe causes them to live, and treat their fellow men and women. D. Modl, Archologie zwischen Mur und . I would never ever suggest this is a unique property of Xty. These are ideals that I subjectively value. There is no difference between His Person and His Attributes, and His Attributes should not be differentiated or distinguished from His Person. While some would say the orthodox Nature of God and his Oneness pertains to Being, I think most more linearly worship something that is more a manner of /a/ being than Being. I suggest you read Richard Rohr. Agnostics cant figure it out. Abstrak Permasalahan dalam tulisan ini terletak pada isu doktrin eskatologi tentang kerajaan seribu tahun, khususnya dalam pandangan dispensasionalisme dengan covenant theology. Its generally NOT considered trustworthy; if it was then Bigfoot and alien abductions would be accepted beyond the fringe as accurate descriptions of reality/history. In Inspiration and Incarnation, Peter Enns proposes an incarnational model for understanding how the Bible was inspired by God. But is that version of a Messiah a bringer of healing to all? And what religion, denomination, sect or cult doesnt seek to inculcate a sense of trust and intimacy toward its depictions of God, holy prophets or holy writings? We engage in an endless constellation of projects, such as ministry projects, evangelistic missions, sermon series, small groups etc. God is just another word for magic. God or not God? We know by comparing our own, internal, subjective experiences of sight that this is a largely reliable sense. He was dismissed as O.T. prof at Westminster Seminary for his progressive evangelicalism, and has not identified himself as a universalist. This wont be solved in a blog post, but heres basically where I am with all this believing in God businessin under 800 words. Some come by more rational means, others emotional, others mystical, Who am I, or you, to say any one way is the right way. One task that gives me great joy is to introduce students to the big picture of the biblical story and to develop insight and respect for how the Old and New Testaments are in conversation with each other. Does God exist? Peter K. Enns is a Professor in the Department of Government and the Brooks School of Public Policy and Robert S. Harrison Director of the Cornell Center for Social Sciences. Were two thousand years in. Faced with the incoherence of a fundamentalist/evangelical reaction to modernity, I have no problem accepting Pascals Wager and embracing your mystical/existential explanation. Scrivenings Christians depression, suicide. Theists believe magic is real. We're raising 50k for our campaign. An Atheist that believes in God. And both stories end with a sacrifice to a deity. better bring your own redemption when you come . Then here you go! Thanks Pete! That is what He did for me over 50 years ago. Yep. There are multiple (a lot!) I also would want to point out that the Christian religion has to do with a person named Jesus (as christians we believe this Jesus is still transforming lives and hes on the loose), in other words it is not just a simple have faith or belief The Christian faith is a living trust that Jesus Christ (messiah) will rescue (has will in the future) the world for a global renewal (earth and heaven). As claimed, the Incarnation passed through our material and human existence. I know others mileage may vary. Let us have both a precision of mind and openness of heart in dialoging on these matters. When a faith fights the fight of certainty of an understanding the world as-is putting iron age as-is foundations against present-day as-is understandings, the battle is already conceded. Which may be revealed when two people have mutually incompatible direct perceptions in these experiences. Many people arrive at different conclusions (that is fine) and see things differently doubt is a complex subject that will not fully be flushed out in this conversation. Im familiar with various concepts of God. After I became more of a questioner, and more curious about a lot of things I no longer experienced such manic-depression. Acts of Interpretation features essays by biblical scholars and theologians offering broad reflections on key interpretive issues, rich readings of challenging biblical texts, and interaction with the Christian exegetical tradition from Melito of Sardis to Dietrich Bonhoeffer.The contributors to this volume are leading figures in the theological interpretation of Scripture. To me, simply, neither these two billion adherents nor their leaders really seem all that differentiated from their peer adherents of Allah, Brahma, and more in sacred task of transforming the world. 3 He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; Evidence: The heavens declare the glory of God. For He received from God the Father honor and glory when such a voice came to Him from the Excellent Glory: This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain. Mitchel Modine is an Old Testament scholar who works at Asia-Pacific Nazarene Theological Seminary. You can although quite innadequately (as with so many other things in life), still put them on the table. Why the need to respond ? In view of all that is eternal it would not be worth much to consider them other than to satisfy academic curiosity. Not really. As we give exercise to examples, we often discover these characteristics are more descriptive than prescriptive in their nature. Our body and soul my life and therefore acknowledge God Davids, Pennsylvania engage. Reliable sense evangelicalism, and His Attributes, and has not identified himself as a of. 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